Item Coversheet



TO: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members

Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager

DATE: July 13, 2018



Aqua Foundation for Women identifies and targets the needs of the LBT women’s community and develops initiatives designed to incentivize our community to fulfill them.


Touted as the largest women's week celebration in the country, Aqua Girl is a popular annual fundraiser benefiting South Florida's LGBT community. All proceeds from Aqua Girl benefit the Aqua Foundation for Women, a not-for-profit organization that funds lesbian, bisexual, and transgender wellness and equality in South Florida through grants, scholarships, and initiatives.


The Aqua Foundation/Aqua Girl LGBTQ event is planned for September 27 -- October 1, 2018 in various venues throughout Miami Beach, including The National Hotel as the host hotel.  All events take place inside private property and are ticketed events.  This year marks the 18 year anniversary of the event, which attracts approximately 2,000-3,000 guests annually. 


The organizers are requesting the City sponsor the event in the amount of $35,000 to cover the costs of production, marketing, and event logistics for a pool party at The National.


Due to the timing of this year's event, the organizers were unable to apply for VCA funding, and are therefore looking to the City to step in to fill the funding gap.


Pursuant to the new special event funding guidelines set forth in Ordinance 2018-4171, the City Commission, on July 2, 2018, referred this item for consideration to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee ("FCWCP") during the FCWCP July 13, 2018 meeting.


Pursuant to Sec. 12-7(a) of Chapter 12 (Arts, Culture and Entertainment) of the City Code, any request for City Sponsorship of an event shall only be considered through the City Commission's annual budget process. All other requests for City sponsorship, pursuant to 12-7(b) shall require "(I) an advisory recommendation of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee; and (ii) by a five-sevenths (5/7th) vote, of the City Commission," and 12-7(c) states that 'in considering approval of a Sponsorship for an event, "the City Commission may consider (i) whether the event organizer has exercised good-faith diligent efforts to apply for grant funding that may be available from the City's Visitor and Convention Authority ("CVA" or Cultural Arts Council ("CAC"); (ii) the Event organizer's history and performance in delivering quality Events, (iii) any benefits being directly provided to the general public with respect to the Event, such as free or discounted tickets to persons residing in the City of Miami Beach, seniors, veterans, or member of disadvantaged groups; (iv) whether the event is accessible to the general public (either as a ticketed eVent or otherwise); (v) the demonstrable economic impacts associated with the Event; (vi) the demonstrable media commitments secured by the Event organizer for the Event; or (vii) the efforts undertaken by the Event organizer to mitigate any quality of life impacts associated with the Event, including noise, littering, traffic or parking impacts associated with an Event."


Although the ordinance eis not effective until October 2018, the event consideration for sponsorship wouldmeet the guidelines in the following manner:

1. Has the event applied for CAC or VCA? In this case, the event has not applied for CAC or VAC sponsorship.

2. How many years has the event been active on Miami Beach? In this case, the event has been active for 18 years.

3. Does the event generate significant room nights on Miami Beach? This event does not demonstrate audited room nights on Miami Beach.

4. What is the public benefit provided by the event? The event does not provide a public benefit.

The Administration is seeking direction from the FCWPC on a potential sponsorship request; additionally should the request be recommended and approved by the full Commission, a budget amendment for FY 2018/19 would be required, and funding identified.