Item Coversheet



TO: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members

Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager

DATE: July 13, 2018



At the October 19, 2016 Commission meeting, Commissioner Aleman introduced the concept of providing a free technology boot camp for low to middle income residents, as well as business owners, interested in improving their technology skills.   The suggested concept would model a program currently available to the Liberty City community providing technical expertise, coding, and professional support to those interested in careers in technology industries. 


The two proposed Miami Beach Digital Citizens Bootcamp were made available to residents throughout Miami Beach, with classes held over a period of eight weeks in a computer lab at North Shore Park and Youth Center and the City hall IT training room beginning in late January 2018 and ending in May 2018.  Each boot camp was limited to twenty-five (25) participants due to space limitations in each computer lab (Flyer Attached).


Participants learned in demand tech skills including the following:

  • Programming – introduction to various programming languages and how each are used

  • Social Media – leverage different social media channels to increase brand awareness

  • Marketing – learn about inbound and outbound marketing and how to achieve results

  • Presentation – practice a pitch and learn how to woo potential investors and audience


The below link provides information directly from participants of the North Beach session and provides information on skills learned:


The City partnered with EcoTech Visions Foundation, Inc. to provide both series (Agreement Attached).   The City also provided free parking (as applicable) at the 1755 Meridian parking garage and security, as classes were held during the weekday evening from 6 pm to 9 pm and on Saturday/Sunday from 9 am to Noon.   The cost for the two sessions was $42,000 (Ecotech), $351 parking, and security.


Should the City opt to continue the Digital Citizens Coding Bootcamp, other potential providers may be considered.  Miami Beach Adult and Community Education Center has provided a proposal (see attached) for consideration.   The proposed Coding Boot Camp would include, but not be limited, the below:




  • Introduction to Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)


  • Creating web pages using HTML


  • Design web page elements using cascading style sheets (CSS)


  • Introduction to JAVA Script


  • Creating a Wordpress Website


  • Creating an E-Commerce Website


  • How to make a Blog


The class will be offered as follows:


  • First Class: November 1, 2018 - January 29, 2018 - 20 Classes Total – Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00pm-9:00pm.


  • Second Class: February 5, 2019-April 18, 2019 - 20 Classes Total – Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00pm-9:00pm.



The projected number of students per class is 25 with 20 class sessions.   Total fee per session is $4,500.   In addition to the $4,500 per session, the City will fund parking, security, and staff administration.   Anticipated total cost for two sessions on the dates above is approximately $21,000.




Staff is seeking direction on the continued offering of a Digital Citizens Coding Bootcamp for residents and business owners. If recommended for continuation an enhancement request would be submitted as part of the FY 2018/19 budget development process.

EcoTech AgreementMemo
SFDA Agreement NSPYC LabMemo
Flyer EnglishMemo
Flyer SpanishMemo
Miami Beach Adult Coding Proposal 7.3.18Memo