Refer the item to Finance and Citywide Projects Committee.
At the December 13, 2017 City Commission meeting the Commission approved a resolution to retain Dover, Kohl & Partners (DKP), the urban design team behind the North Beach Master Plan, to create a conceptual design and development plan for the "West Lots." These City-owned properties consist of eight blocks of vacant land on the west side of Collins Avenue across the street from North Beach Oceanside Park. As part of this agreement, DKP was asked to analyze and asses the restoration, placement, and future use of the Log Cabin which was originally located on one of the vacant "West Lots."
A feasibility study was conducted by Douglas Wood Associates in 2017, which determined that approximately fifty percent (50%) of the existing structure could be salvaged and a replacement structure could be constructed using salvaged and new materials for between $750,000 and $1 million dependent upon the level of restoration and preservation.
The City Commission approved a resolution at the January 17, 2018 Commission meeting directing City Staff to create a crowdfunding campaign, pursue state and national grants, and allocate funding through capital improvement requests via the budget process in order to finance the restoration of the log cabin.
Grant funding agencies require that a project scope and budget be included in all applications to be considered competitive for award. The Administration will need to include key components of the project, including cost estimates, location and use of the Log Cabin in its grant applications. The Administration intends to apply for several upcoming grants, including the State of Florida Historic Preservation Grant Program which has a deadline of June 1, 2018. A full list of possible grants to support the renovation and restoration is attached as Exhibit B.
Additionally, the Administration has reviewed the various crowdfunding platforms available for this type of project and has recommended In Your Own Back Yard as the organization most suitable to meet the City’s needs. The Administration is working with Legal and In Your Own Back Yard staff on the terms of an agreement to provide a crowdfunding platform to the City for the option that is selected for the Log Cabin structure. The Administration will present its recommendation regarding the crowdfunding platform and campaign to the Commission in the form of a Resolution at a future meeting
In order to seek capital improvement funding through the annual capital budget development process and/or GO Bond funding for the restoration of the Log Cabin the administration needs to determine the location and future use of the structure so that a project budget can be created and adopted.