Please place on the May 16, 2018 City Commission agenda a referral to the Neighborhood/Community Affairs Committee to review the offer made by VOLO Group (Active Shooter Awareness Program) and share it with Miami-Dade County Public Schools and private school in Miami Beach.
At their April 24, 2018 Quality Education Committee meeting, the committee members unanimously passed the following motion:
Motion made by Yvette Tache
Motion seconded by Tiffany Heckler
Motion Text:
The Committee for Quality Education requests the Miami Beach Mayor and Commission review the offer made by VOLO Group (Active Shooter Awareness Program) and share it (if interested) with Miami-Dade County Public Schools and private school located in Miami Beach.
The Committee for Quality Education urges the Mayor and Commission to support the above request.
Motion Passage: Votes 10-0
I attach the proposed quote for additional information. Please contact my office at extension 6437 with any questions.