Item Coversheet



TO: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members

Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager

DATE: April 20, 2018



The purpose of this memo is to provide an update on the Indian Creek Drive Flooding Mitigation Project.

On September 30, 2016, the City of Miami Beach in partnership with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) entered into a Department Funded Agreement (DFA) to perform drainage improvements and raise Indian Creek Drive 26th Street to 41st Street for an estimated total project amount of $25.5 Million with FDOT participation of $20 Million and City $5.5 Million.

The project was broken down into two phases: Phase 1, which is currently underway, includes the construction of the major storm water system along Indian Creek Drive between 25th Street and 32nd Street. It also includes the portion of the road reconstruction related to the drainage. Phase 2, which is in the process of being procured as design/bid/build construction project, will include the remainder of the drainage system not constructed in Phase 1, complete road reconstruction and property harmonization along the entire project.

Phase 1: The contractor has completed most of the drainage work and is in the process of completing the remainder of the road and drainage work. To address safety concerns, the installation of a temporary signal at the intersection of 29th Street and Indian Creek has been added to this construction phase. As a result, the completion of this phase is now middle of June 2018.

Phase 2: Final plans are in the process of being completed and will be submitted to FDOT for approval by the end of April 2018. Advertisement to procure a contractor will follow and the anticipated award for Phase 2 will be in September 2018. Construction will start after notice to proceed is issued sometime in October 2018.

Seawall Construction: The seawall replacement along Indian Creek has its own separate phasing from the Indian Creek drainage and roadway phasing. Approximately 2,700 feet of seawall has been constructed. Portions of the constructed seawall are under review by permitting agencies. On December 18, 2017, representatives from the City of Miami Beach, Miami-Dade County, the South Florida Water Management District, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Shoreline Foundation Inc. participated in an interagency field meeting to review the Indian Creek Drive Seawall Replacement project. At the meeting, the representatives walked the work area, reviewed the activities, and identified activities that require corrective action. The City has already taken several corrective actions and is actively working with all three agencies to determine a path forward for bringing the project fully into compliance.

The seawall project is prohibited from continuing construction until the concerns of DERM, SFWMD and USACE are addressed. We are scheduled to meet on April 26, 2018 at 1:00 with the three regulatory agencies to determine next steps for the project.

Easement and Quit Claim Deed Acquisitions: The City is currently working on the Quit Claim Deed and easement acquisitions of privately owned lots located along the west side of Indian Creek from 25th street to 41st street. There was a total of 25 privately owned properties. We acquired easements or quit claim deeds for 20 properties. The City is currently finalizing easements for 1 property and the remainder 4 properties the City is considering the use a special assessment district to allow construction of the seawall.