Ciclovías are “open streets” events which turn major city streets into safe, car-free environments for families to run, bike, and play. Originating in Bogota, Colombia over 30 years ago, Ciclovías are now held in hundreds of cities worldwide. By linking neighbors and communities together and providing a different way to “connect with the street,” these events are designed to promote alternatives for using area roadways safely. Based on the success of Ciclovia events throughout the world and locally.
After discussions regarding potential corridors for a Ciclovia event, in 2016 it was determined that Washington Avenue from 5 Street to just south of Lincoln Road could serve as the street to host the first Ciclovia event in Miami Beach. Other corridors considered included Venetian Causeway/Dade Boulevard, Meridian Avenue, and Ocean Drive. It was determined that this segment of Washington Avenue provided unique advantages for such an event. First, it is a recognized main thoroughfare that allows the community to connect with the businesses. Second, there are north-south alternatives available on which to direct traffic. Third, the segment from 5 Street to Lincoln Road does not intersect major east-west arterials, thereby handling traffic impacts.
Ciclovia provides a unique opportunity to promote community integration, engage new customers for local businesses, and communicate to people who walk and bicycle that the City respects and appreciates them for choosing active transportation. For these reasons, staff works with the businesses and residents of the community, as well as any local groups connected directly with bicycling, running, and public health, from the onset to ensure the success of the event.
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