At its April 28, 2023 meeting, the City Commission approved a referral to the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee meeting (FERC) to discuss appropriating funds to screen the pump station located at 51st Street and Pine Tree Drive.
The referral originates from requests by Mid Beach residents to Commissioner Arriola, asking that the City invest in beautifying the area at 51st Street and Pine Tree Drive, that houses "unsightly" pump station equipment.
In May of 2022, following the installation of the new pump station components at this location, Public Works staff proceeded with installing new vegetation in all available planting areas surrounding the fence and utility components to enhance its appearance (see current Pictures 1-4). The only fence-line areas that did not receive an exterior planting screen treatment were the pump station access gate and fence areas immediately adjacent to asphalt, in which case, vegetation was planted on the inside of the fence.
This update was presented at the June 23, 2023 FERC Committee meeting. A motion was made to seek further enhancement options and to come back with an update.
Picture 1