At its March 27, 2023 meeting, the City Commission approved a referral to the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee (FERC) to discuss ownership, repairing broken sidewalks, and address flooding issues on Miami Beach Drive (MBD) between 24th and 29th Streets, and options for the City to assume the responsibilities for these services for the entirety of MBD.
The discussion originates from a Mid-Beach Neighborhood Association meeting, where residents expressed a desire to work with the City to improve the area. Improvements requested included litter collection, pressure cleaning, additional landscape installation, repairs and replacement of brick pavers and concrete walkways, and bollard replacement.
Public Safety and Quality of Life Committee meetings regarding improvements along Miami Beach Drive have taken place since February 2023, sponsored by Commissioner Fernandez, where potential short and long-term initiatives have been discussed and have taken place.
Efforts thus far include: Trimming of lower tree limbs and plant in-fills at the Beachwalk entrances from 24th Street to 27th Streets, installation of 2 Victor Stanley trash cans, 2 doggie bag dispensers on Miami Beach Drive (serviced 7 days a week), pressure washing of all beach entrances from 24th through 29th Streets, lighting, ordering of bollards, and repairing/replacing of brick pavers and concrete walkways that have cracked through daily use.
At the May 23, 2023 meeting of the Public Safety and Quality of Life Committee, Public Works provided several updates related to Miami Beach Drive. There will be a follow up meeting in September, wherein Public Works will provide an update on the bollards, which are now in-hand and pending Committee approval as far as installation location, additional pressure washing that has been added to the maintenance schedule, and land ownership by Club Atlantis.
At the June 23, 2023 meeting of the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee, Public Works discussed different options to be considered for Miami Beach Drive from 24th to 29th Streets once the right of way ownership by Club Atlantis has been determined, including the development of a holistic master plan (a vision), for Miami Beach Drive that would also address some infrastructure needs, such as storm drainage and others along the way. A motion was made to come back in September for an update.