Item Coversheet



TO: Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee Members

Alina T. Hudak

DATE: September 22, 2023



At the June 28, 2023 City Commission meeting, at the request of Commissioner Ricky Arriola, the City Commission referred for discussion, item C4 F to the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee (FERC). The City Administration was directed to compile a comprehensive report detailing the cameras and garages and other City locations where cameras have been inoperative and for how long.  The item was not reached at the July 28, 2023 FERC meeting and was deferred to the September 22, 2023 FERC meeting. 


There are twelve (12) municipal parking garages in the City:


G1: 200 7 Street

G2: 512 12 Street

G3: 1301 Collins Avenue

G4: 1557 Washington Avenue

G5: 640 17 Street

G6: 400 West 42 Street

G7: 1755 Meridian Avenue

G8: 550 Lenox Avenue **joint venture/ City owns 46%**

G9: 1661 Pennsylvania Avenue

G10: 1900 Bay Road

G11: 1901 Convention Center Drive

G12: 340 23 Street


The City embarked on an initiative to standardize security camera systems citywide, to ensure appropriate coverage and promote increased security through integration with the Police Department. This initiative included security camera systems in garages. The initial phase of the project involved an evaluation of garage security and design of a system that provided optimal views and thoroughly covered garage premises at different angles and locations. The security design, standardization process, acquisition of equipment, and installation of camera security systems proved to be a complex and lengthy endeavor.


The security camera system projects were not procured through a competitive solicitation process. Instead, staff recommended standardizing on Axis Communications equipment and software.  Standardizing the camera manufacturer allowed the City to have continuity of equipment and purchasing authority to ensure access to one manufacturer. On May 8, 2019, the City Manager recommended, and the City Commission approved, via Resolution No. 2019-30814, a waiver of the competitive bid requirements and established Axis Communications as the City’s standard for closed circuit television (CCTV) camera equipment. The Resolution also created a pool of Axis Communications authorized dealers, from whom quotes could be sought for future CCTV projects and authorized the City Manager to approve task orders for CCTV implementations up to $350,000. Task orders greater than $350,000 require City Commission approval.


On November 19, 2019, in accordance with Resolution No. 2019-30814, the Police Department, on behalf of the Parking Department, requested quotes from three (3) local Axis Communications/Axis Channel Partners for a new security camera system at parking garage G5 (the 17th street garage).   Following this initial Invitation to Quote (ITQ) process, Integrated Security Systems (ISS) was selected for equipment purchase and system installation at the G5 garage only. On March 18, 2020, the City Commission approved the award of the G5 garage to ISS. This project has been completed.


The second phase includes installation of a security camera system at each of the eight (8) remaining garages. The project experienced added delays from April 2020 through December 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting drastic cuts in Parking Department revenue and expenses. Additionally, the Parking Department needed to increase funding for its  security consultant, Burns & McDonnell. In December of 2020, the Parking Department completed the increase to the Burns & McDonnell service order focused on plans and specifications and in February 2021, issued a new service order to cover the eight (8) remaining garages (G1, G2, G3, G4, G6, G7, G9 and G10) included in second phase of implementation.


The procurement process for the second phase was limited to a quote request for all eight (8) remaining garages, which did not significantly contribute to the lengthy contracting timeline. This subsequent ITQ was issued on April 16, 2021 to the Axis Communications authorized dealers, following the completion of the plans and specifications for these eight (8) garages. On October 19, 2021, the City Commission approved the contract award to Vetted Security Solutions (Vetted), the lowest bidder. After lengthy negotiations due to equipment issues and agreement terms and conditions, on August 26, 2022, Vetted notified the City that it could not hold pricing and declined the award. The second lowest bidder, ISS, was then awarded the contract.


Negotiations then commenced with ISS and on September 1, 2022, ISS agreed to perform the work at its original quoted price. After City Commission approval of the award to ISS on December 14, 2022,  contract award/negotiation was completed on May 31, 2023. This project has begun with camera installation in the City Hall Garage.  Permits for the remaining garages have, to a great extent, been obtained and cameras have been purchased and received. Together with the City, ISS agreed on an installation schedule based on parking activity and security priority. Work will be coordinated to expedite installation, which is, on average, between six (6) and eight (8) weeks per garage.


The total cost for the security camera system for nine (9) garages (excluding the G8, G11 and G12) is approximately $2.6 million.         


Of the City’s twelve (12) parking garages, four (4) garages currently have fully operational security camera systems: G5, G8, G11 and G12. The G4 and G10 garages have partially operational systems, as some cameras are inoperative and need to be replaced. The City has repaired various system components at various garages. However, due to the rapid evolution of technology, repairs can be very costly, often requiring replacement of multiple components to address an inoperative camera.


The City is working toward completion of security camera installation at all municipal garages. The establishment of a standardized program and selection of equipment for a large citywide security program was an ambitious undertaking. Factors impacting completion of the project include the COVID-19 pandemic, during which time Parking Department revenues were diminished in excess of 90% requiring most projects to be halted or stalled. Later, supply chain issues, increased equipment costs and technology updates further affected the project timeline.


The G5 garage security camera installation has been completed. For the remaining garages, permits have, to a great extent, been issued, equipment has been purchased, and installation is progressing in an expeditious manner. To maximize efficiencies, various departments are collaborating with ISS, including Information Technology, Parking and the Police Department. As detailed above, currently six (6) of twelve (12) garages have security camera systems.  However, systems at two (2) of these garages (G4 and G10) need to be replaced.   


It is important to note that garages are monitored by security guards and parking personnel on a 24-hour basis. Furthermore, cameras have been installed on buildings and other facilities that cover certain parking garage angles. It is expected that all garages will have state-of- the-art security systems with Police Department integration within the next 15 to 18 months.  

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