Please place on the June 28, 2023 City Commission agenda a referral to the June 29, 2023 Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee (FERC) Budget Briefing, to consider allocation $2 million in the FY 2024 Capital Budget for the potential installation of the Enzo Gallo Murals along the northeast corner of the Miami Beach Convention Center. The $2 million could be funded from MBCC capital fund account balances, and/or any available remaining MBCC Project-related RDA funds.
The murals entitled “The Glory of Old Glory” were created in 1971 by Italian artist and sculptor Enzo Gallo, an immigrant who fled Italy for Cuba and subsequently emigrated to South Florida. For five decades, the murals were installed at the former bank building at 1200 Lincoln Road, at the prominent corner of Alton Road and Lincoln Road.
As the murals are a part of Miami Beach history and have artistic value, the property owner, in collaboration with the City and members of the historic preservation community, including MDPL, preserved the murals when they were taken down, pending the City’s selection and approval of a suitable permanent location.
I understand that the City is experiencing on-going issues with an AIPP project at the Convention Center, and that the portion of the project along Washington Avenue has been taken down in its entirety.
Pending the City Commission’s final determination relating to the fate of the existing AIPP project, I would like for the City Commission to consider earmarking funds for a potential future project in this area. I believe this would be a fiscally prudent to proceed with the planning efforts for a permanent location as soon as possible, as the Administration has advised that warehouse rentals to store the murals will range between $48K - $60K per year.
Attached is a proposal MDPL has received for the cost estimate to treat and oversee the installation of all six panels.