State Road (SR) A1A/Harding Avenue is a principal arterial in North Beach under the jurisdiction of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Harding Avenue has three (3) travel lanes which operate one-way southbound. In this area, 87 Street runs east/west and intersects Harding Avenue from the east. This intersection currently has no crosswalks. The Stella Maris House elderly community facility is adjacent to this intersection. The closest crosswalk to cross Harding Avenue is located 330 feet from the entrance to Stella Maris which results in a significant amount of jaywalking by elderly residents. In addition, Mater Academy is also adjacent to the intersection which results in additional jaywalking.
In 2013, the City requested that FDOT perform a warrant analysis study for a new crosswalk at the intersection of Harding Avenue and 87 Street. FDOT conducted a study, however, a crosswalk was denied because the intersection did not meet the minimum thresholds to warrant a crosswalk.
Following concerns with pedestrian safety crossing Harding Avenue at the intersection on 87 Street and Harding Avenue, the City’s Senior Affairs Committee passed a resolution requesting a crosswalk at the intersection. At the April 10, 2019 City Commission meeting, Commissioner Michael Gongora sponsored Resolution No. 2019-30790 urging FDOT to re-evaluate the need for a crosswalk in the vicinity of Harding Avenue and 87 Street. Following the City Commission meeting, the Administration transmitted the Commission resolution to the FDOT District Six Secretary.
Pursuant to the City’s request, FDOT completed a traffic engineering study for the intersection of Harding Avenue and 87 Street which included turning movement counts, pedestrian counts, a review of crash data and crash analysis, field observations during the periods of highest pedestrian and vehicular demand, and an evaluation for installation of a mid-block pedestrian crossing. Based on the results of the study, FDOT recommended the installation of a marked mid-block pedestrian crosswalk equipped with overhead rapid rectangular flashing beacons (i.e. LED pedestrian flashing beacons). Attachment A depicts an image of the proposed device and crosswalk configuration at the intersection.
As a result of the traffic study, FDOT programmed funding for this pedestrian safety improvement project in its Five-Year Work Program; however, the implementation of the signalized pedestrian crosswalk was not scheduled to occur until FY 2026.
At the May 4, 2022 meeting of the Senior Affairs Committee, the Committee passed a motion, sponsored by Commissioner David Richardson, urging FDOT to prioritize the installation of a pedestrian crosswalk with flashing beacons at Harding Avenue and 87 Street.
At the November 30, 2022 Public Safety and Neighborhood Quality of Life Committee meeting, the Committee discussed this item and passed a motion recommending the City Commission adopt a resolution urging FDOT to advance the project. In addition, Commissioner David Richardson personally communicated with FDOT. Thanks to the combined efforts of all, the attached letter dated January 9, 2023 from FDOT District Six Secretary Stacy L. Miller, P.E. (Attachment B), FDOT has advanced the design to begin in January 2023 and anticipates awarding construction of the safety improvements in November 2024.