During the May 12, 2021 City Commission meeting, Commission referred a discussion regarding the naming of the 500-700 Alton Road Park to the Neighborhood and Quality of Life Committee (Exhibit A).
In preparation for the opening of the park, the West Avenue Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Association (“WAvNA”) met and provided the following naming suggestions for the park, Gateway Park or South Beach Gateway Park, South Shore Park, Sunset Park, Tequesta Park, and West Avenue Park or West Bay Park.
Additionally, during the January 10, 2019 Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board meeting, a motion was passed recommending that the new 500-700 Alton Road Park, at our City’s primary entrance, be named “Unity Park.” (Exhibit B)
At the September 20, 2021 Public Safety and Neighborhood Quality of Life Committee meeting, the Committee recommended engaging with the community via a poll to vote on a park name. The following six names were determined by the Committee to be considered: Gateway Park, South Beach Gateway Park, South Shore Park, Sunset Park, West Avenue Park and Unity Park.
During the December 8, 2021 City Commission meeting, Resolution No. 2021-31937 was passed accepting the recommendation of the Public Safety and Neighborhood Quality of Life Committee, at its September 20, 2021 meeting, authorizing the Administration to engage the community through online voting for the selection of park name for the future 500-700 Alton Road Park. The final names included:
The online voting survey opened on December 27, 2021 and closed on January 24, 2022. A total of 1,946 votes were cast. Below are the top 10 park names:
Park Name
Total Number of Votes
Sunset Park
Gateway Park
South Shore Park
Canopy Park
Total for all iterations related to Israel "Raffa" Hernandez
Unity Park
West Avenue Park
MacArthur Park
Tiger King Park
South Beach Gateway Park
LTC 035-2022 was distributed on January 28, 2022 with the above information. (Exhibit D)
At the March 7, 2022 Public Safety Neighborhood and Quality of Life Committee (formerly named the Neighborhood and Quality of Life Committee) motioned to have the full Commission consider “Sunset Park” and “Gateway Park” as potential names for the 500-700 Alton Road Park.