Transfer of Funds to Project No. 63080: Beach Restrooms Paint and Concrete
A Mid-Year Capital Budget Amendment is being requested to transfer the funds from Project No. 63219 "Flamingo Park Irrigation Baseball Field" to Project No. 63080 "Beach Restrooms Paint and Concrete". The Flamingo Park Baseball Field Irrigation Project was a priority and was able to be completed at the end of FY 2019 with surplus operating funds; therefore, the capital funds are needed for restroom improvements.
The $86,000.00 will be transferred to the "Beach Restroom Paint and Concrete" project for the renovation of beachfront restrooms. The work that will be completed consists of: interior/exterior painting, replacement of existing toilets, plumbing fixtures, toilet partitions and new epoxy flooring. The restrooms' current appearance and condition have deteriorated beyond what could be accomplished through routine cleaning and maintenance. The City currently receives lower than desired scores on the City's Cleanliness Index Report due to the aging infrastructure; this restoration will improve scores drastically. Through these improvements, user experience will be improved, Cleanliness Index Scores will rise, and the useful life of these assets will be extended.
Below is the transfer being requested:
Transfer funds from:
Project Name
Available Balance
Flamingo Park Irrigation Baseball (63219)
Project Name
Beach Restrooms Paint and Concrete (63080)
Transfer of Funds to Project No. 62718: North Beach Parks Restroom Restoration
A Mid-Year Capital Budget Amendment is being requested to transfer the funds from Project No. 61219 "North Shore Tennis Facility Fence" and Project No. 63619 "Normandy Shores Shade Structure" to Project No. 62718 "North Beach Park Restroom Restoration". After extensive review, the renovation of North Beach park restrooms has been deemed a higher priority than the replacement of the fitness circuit shade structure at Normandy Shores Park.
With the excess funds of $91,000.00 from both the "North Shore Tennis Facility Fence" and “Normandy Shores Shade Structure” projects, North Beach restrooms will be renovated. The work that will be completed consists of: interior/exterior painting, replacement of existing toilets, plumbing fixtures, toilet partitions and new epoxy flooring. The justification for this transfer is the same as described above.
Below is the transfer being requested:
Transfer funds from:
Project Name
Available Balance
North Shore Tennis Facility Fence (61219)
Normandy Shores Shade Structure (63619)
Project Name
North Beach Parks Restroom Restoration (62718)