Item Coversheet

Committee Assignments - C4  K


TO:Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission 
FROM:Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager 
DATE:January  16, 2019



The Fairway Park Turf Replacement & Other Improvements project was approved in the Fiscal Year 2015/16 Capital Budget in the amount of $918,000. The scope of work consisted of installation of quality, industry standard artificial turf soccer field and other related improvements that increase customer satisfaction with programming and general use. The field is host to hundreds of users daily causing significant wear and tear on the existing natural turf soccer field. New artificial turf system would allow for increased public use as well as program expansion.

As part of the Fiscal Year 2016/17 Capital Budget, the Fairway Park project name was revised to “Fairway Park Artificial Turf Soccer Field, Drainage & Playground Replacement” and the scope of work was expanded to include the installation of proper drainage in the playground area to eliminate flooding and to replace the deteriorated playground, safety surface and shade structure. In addition, the project funding was increased to $1,181,000.

Pursuant to the Agreement between the City of Miami Beach and Kimley-Horn and Associates for Professional Architectural and Engineering Services, RFQ 2014-346-YG, a Consultant Service Order was executed and the project design began in June 2017. The Scope of Work at that time included the drainage analysis and design for the entire park and design of improvements to the existing playground and playfields as follows:

• New playground equipment
• New separate play structures for ages 2-5yrs and 5-10yrs including an accessible swing bay
• Playground area poured in place rubber surface and drainage system installed over lime-rock base
• New artificial turf multipurpose play field
• New landscape and irrigation associated with field and playground modifications
• New bleachers and concrete pads
• New water service for drinking fountain

At the request of the Parks & Recreation Department a jogging path around the multi purpose field and chilled water fountains was added to the project.

During the Fiscal Year 2017/18 Capital Budget process, $91,000 was added to the project, bringing the total budget to $1,272.000.

On February 15, 2018 a Community Design Review Meeting was held at Normandy Isle Golf Course to present the 60% Fairway Park project design to the residents. During that meeting the residents made a number of requests that would constitute additional scope of work to the project. These requests consisted of a baseball diamond within the soccer/multipurpose field, a dog park, renovation of the bathrooms, bike rack, park monument sign and additional landscaping and irrigation. They also requested the project should address the flooding at the basketball and tennis courts.

On March 6, 2018 the 60% project design and the residents’ requested changes including the baseball diamond within the soccer/multipurpose field was presented to the Parks & Recreation Facilities Advisory Board (the “Board”). During their meeting, the Board discussed the additional scope requested by the community and made a motion to support the 60% conceptual design of the Fairway Park without the baseball component. The Board was in favor of the residents’ requested changes, however, this was not reflected in their motion.

The project is currently at the ninety percent (90%) design development stage and is in the Building Department permitting process. The Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Cost for the project is $1,625,903, including a twenty percent construction contingency of $270,984. This cost reflects the original scope and the additional scope (listed below) requested by the Parks and Recreation Department, the community and endorsed by the Board.

• New walkway/jogging path system around the soccer field
• Construction of new tennis and basketball court at a higher elevation to eliminate flooding
• New park monument sign
• Chilled water fountains and related electrical connections
• New dog park and fencing
• Additional landscaping and irrigation throughout the park
• New raised sidewalks

Future funding for the additional scope of work was programmed for the FY 2019/20, in the amount of $670,000, to bring the total project budget to $1,942,000. These funds will be needed to cover the cost of the increased scope. These funds are not included in the 2018 General Obligation Bond.

During the recent Building Department permitting review process, the Public Works Department requested additional changes to the stormwater drainage design approach and methodology. These changes would further increase the project cost.


The Administration is hereby requesting approval of the referral to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee to discuss funding and scope of work for Fairway Park.
Legislative Tracking
Capital Improvement Projects