The City needs to repair concrete spalling, and seal the interior and exterior of the 42nd Street Parking Garage. The Capital Renewal and Replacement project consists of repairing, and sealing concrete services competitively procured via the Gordian Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC) awarded to Harbour Construction, Inc., the local dealer for construction services, as well as a number of ancillary items including waterproofing and spalling repairs.
On April 23, 2015, the City Commission authorized the Administration, for projects up to $250,000, or emergency awards exceeding $250,000, to be acquired through the Gordian Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC) process as a means of expediting small or emergency projects with the approval of the City Manager. The IQC process, which is used extensively by local, state and federal governmental agencies throughout the United States, expedites the delivery of construction projects. The City, as a governmental agency, is authorized to utilize the IQC process for construction services competitively awarded by Sourcewell, formerly known as the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) to the Gordian Group, the Managers of IQC. The Gordian Group, in the IQC process, established a fixed price Construction Task Catalog (Catalog) for a wide range of construction activities. When a construction project is identified, the Gordian Group, City staff and the contractor negotiate a proposal by selecting from the Catalog any activities and quantities applicable to the project.
In the interest of time, the City has chosen to expedite the concrete repair and sealing of the interior and exterior of the 42nd Street Parking Garage (the Project”) and utilize the IQC process. Through the IQC process, Harbour Construction, Inc., (“Contractor”) was identified as the most qualified and experienced contractor to complete the identified scope. On May 22, 2018, the City and the Gordian Group met with the Contractor to review the scope for the Project. On November 30, 2018, after negotiations, the Contractor submitted a bid proposal, utilizing the Catalog in the amount of $394,428.71 for the Project including a project contingency.
However, the original scope of work to be performed by the Contractor included exterior and interior spalling repair, seal, and paint of entire building, and traffic coating on east side of parking garage roof top deck. The purchase of concrete sealing and spalling repair, are a Non-Pre-Priced (NPP) item in the Catalog. In such cases, the IQC contract requires that the Contractor seeks a minimum of three (3) quotes from independent subcontractors for the NPP. Subsequently, the Contractor received three quotes, the lowest one being in the amount of $252,527.59. The Administration is requesting the acceptance by the Mayor and City Commission of the written recommendation of the City Manager and waiving, by a 5/7ths vote, the formal competitive bidding requirement, finding such waiver to be in the City’s best interest.
The IQC proposal received does exceed the $250,000 threshold limit approved by the City Commission for projects through the NJPA IQC contract award and the value of the NPP items exceeds the $50,000 authority of the City Manager, the approval of the City Commission is required to award the Project through the IQC process.
The cost proposal was reviewed and analyzed by, Property Management and the Gordian Group and was found to be fair and reasonable. Therefore, the Administration believes that it is in the City’s best interest to award the Project to Harbour Construction, Inc., through the IQC process, in the not to exceed amount of $394,428.71, for the purpose of completing the exterior and interior spalling repair, seal, and paint of 42nd Street Garage Project, which includes Non-Pre-Priced items in the amount of $252,527.59 with previously appropriated funds.