Item Coversheet

City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,

 Item 1.

TO: Land Use and Development Committee

FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager

DATE: February 7, 2018

On December 13, 2017, at the request of Commissioner Ricky Arriola, a discussion pertaining to the recent voter approval of an increase in FAR (to 3.5) for the Town Center district was referred to the Land Use and Development Committee (Item C4AA).

A similar discussion pertaining to the North Beach Master Plan recommendations for the Town Center (TC) zoning districts, which is also currently pending before the Land Use Committee, was continued at the June 14, 2017 LUDC meeting to the January 2018 LUDC. The January LUDC was moved to February 7, 2018, due to scheduling conflicts.

As both of these items are similar in content, they have been combined for purposes of discussion before the Land Use and Development Committee. Attached, for informational purposes, is a summary of the legislative and master plan discussion history for this item.



On November 7, 2017 the voters of the City of Miami Beach approved an increase in FAR to 3.5 for the area of the TC district bounded by 69th Street on the south, Collins Avenue on the east, 72nd Street on the north and Indian Creek Drive/Dickens Avenue on the west. Attached is a copy of Resolution 2017-29961, which approved and authorized the ballot question, and a copy of the approved Voters Guide.

The boundaries approved for an FAR increase, as noted on the attached aerial map, include properties with the following zoning districts:

  • TC-1 (previous maximum FAR of 2.25 – 2.75);

  • TC-2 (previous maximum FAR of 1.50 – 2.00);

  • TC-3 (previous maximum FAR of 1.25).

Pursuant to the approved ballot question, the maximum FAR for all zoning districts within the specified boundaries has been permitted by the voters to be increased to 3.5. In order to effectuate the proposed FAR increase, a separate enabling ordinance was referred to the Planning Board by the City Commission on January 17, 2018.


The December 13, 2017 City Commission referral was to develop a comprehensive planning strategy for the Town Center area approved for an FAR increase.  As a starting point for such a strategy, staff recommends that the following elements  be discussed, to potentially be included in a draft ordinance:

1. The creation of an overlay district for the boundaries approved for a 3.5 FAR.

2. Strategic increases in maximum allowable building height in order to better accommodate the new 3.5 FAR. At a minimum, maximum building height will need to be increased in TC-2 (current maximum height of 50’) and TC-3 (current maximum height of 45’) districts. See attached map showing existing zoning districts and corresponding height limits.

3. In conjunction with increases in height, modified setback regulations should be explored, as follows:

• For properties along 69th street, which have adjoining RM-1(max height: 50’) and CD-2 (max height: 50’) districts to the south.

• For the properties along Indian Creek Drive, which have adjoining RM-1(max height: 50’), RM-2(max height: 60’) and TC-3(max height: 45’) districts to the west, should be explored.

• Additional tower side setbacks and /or tower separation requirements for development sites along 72nd Street. In order to prevent a continuous wall and potential shading of what could be a park north of 72nd Street.

4. Allowable uses within the overlay should be discussed, in order to address existing, lower scale / less intense uses to the south (along 69th Street) and west (along Indian Creek Drive). This may include modifications to the conditional uses allowed in TC-3, especially in areas adjoining RM-1 (low density residential district).

5. All existing zoning district categories (TC-1, 2, 3 & 3c) should be looked at holistically throughout the entire overlay, with particular emphasis on existing properties that cross zoning district boundaries (e.g. abutting parcels that currently have TC-1 and TC-3 classifications). This could include the re-zoning of certain parcels, as well as further modifications to allowable and conditional uses. See attached map illustrating the existing land uses within the overlay area.

6. Lot aggregation requirements, in addition to potential increases in maximum building heights, should be explored, in order to ensure that the increased FAR, particularly within existing TC-2 and TC-3 areas, is appropriately distributed. Additionally, as noted in the attached map illustrating parcel ownership, including combined parcel ownership, there may be an opportunity to strategically aggregate properties.

7. A review of off-street parking requirements for all uses within the overlay should be conducted, including the impact of transit, ride share and non-vehicular modes of transportation, as well as a revised mix of uses, on off-street parking storage.

8. Standards and requirements for street trees and sidewalk canopy that would be applicable to the entire overlay.

Additionally, the LUDC should consider the issues in the North Beach Master Plan: walkability, safe streets, partnerships, mobility, affordable housing and, generally, quality of life.

The Administration recommends that the Land Use and Development Committee discuss the matter further and provide policy direction. If there is consensus on the issues proposed herein, it is further recommended that the Administration be directed to draft an overlay Ordinance for review and consideration by the Land Use Committee at the March meeting.

Legislative and Master Plan HistoryMemo
Aerial MapMemo
Current Zoning and Maximum HeightsMemo
Existing Land UsesMemo
Ownership MapMemo
TC 3.5 FAR - Ballot ResoMemo
TC 3.5 - Voters GuideMemo