Item Coversheet



TO: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members

Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager

DATE: January 25, 2019



On March 13, 2013, the Mayor and City Commission approved Resolution No. 2013-28155, awarding the agreements for Facilities Condition Assessment (FCA) to Nova Engineering and Environmental, LLC (Nova) and VFA, Inc. (VFA), pursuant to Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 56-11/12. The purpose of the FCA is to conduct field inspections and document the condition of various buildings and assets owned by the City. From the information gathered a report is developed for each asset that includes a current and projected future asset replacement cost, and a full condition report of all systems that support the asset within its envelope. The FCA also projects timelines for equipment replacement based on current condition during the assessment and expected lifecycle.


All of this information combined generates the Facility Condition Index (FCI), a ratio of deferred maintenance costs and the Asset Replacement Value for each asset. The FCI measures the facility’s overall condition via an evaluation rating of excellent, good, fair, or poor. A monetary investment value is associated with this score to bring the FCI to a more desirable rating.


FCI=  Deffered Maintenance + Current Year

          (Current Year Replacement Value)


In 2014, the City conducted a Facilities Condition Assessment with VFA. Approximately 97 assets were evaluated and their FCI scores noted. As capital replacements are conducted to facilities, the VFA database is updated and scores adjusted to reflect the information provided. However, in order to accurately capture a facility’s condition an assessment should be conducted every five years per industry standards.  





# of Buildings (Citywide)

% by Sq.Ft.

0.00 to 0.10 (Excellent)



0.10 to 0.20 (Good)



0.20 to 0.30 (Fair)



Greater than 0.30 (Poor)










 *FCI is a ratio of deferred maintenance costs and the Asset Replacement Value.



On July 1, 2006, the City and Azteca entered into Cityworks Software License Agreement No. C127505 for the Public Works Department to have a computerized system to manage functions such as infrastructure, asset management, service requests, work order requests, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) implementation. Since then Cityworks software has been used by Public Works Utility Division for Water, Storm Water, Sewer, Streets, Sanitation and GIS with Engineering joining in 2010.


On May 11, 2011, the Mayor and City Commission approved Resolution No. 2011-27654 authorizing the sole source purchase for annual maintenance of Cityworks software. Furthermore, it was implemented for the Miami Beach Convention Center and Property Management.


In an attempt to streamline the delivery of services throughout all departments, on March 1, 2017, an upgrade in the not to exceed annual amount of $66,000.00 for three years was done to Cityworks in order to utilize the software’s new options such as its mobile applications, CCTV and MicroPaver interfaces.    


Currently, the Property Management Department utilizes VFA as one of the tools for capital planning and Cityworks as the computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) for work order requests, emergencies, and scheduled maintenance. The data within VFA has become dated since the last assessment was in 2014 with the understanding that every five years a re-assessment would be due.


The Department through staff’s efforts has tried to keep the information relevant by manually inputting replacements and renewals as they are completed within the assets. Despite these efforts the database continues to become limited since the information for replacements, or repairs is only collected in the CMMS. In order for VFA or any other facility condition assessment software to truly become the capital planning tool that will accurately enable forecasting of long-term renewal, other capital costs, and the prioritization of those investments based on the City’s vision, it needs to also capture and reflect the data generated by the CMMS system. Unfortunately, Cityworks and VFA do not integrate with one another and the day to day information is lost. In turn this leaves the Department vulnerable to costly assumptions of replacements, emergencies, and poor investment of already limited resources.


In efforts to overcome these challenges the Property Management Department holds internal biweekly project meetings with the Department’s Facility Capital Project Coordinators and the Facility Zone Managers. These meetings are held as round table discussions to review and assess facility needs, current projects, and address potential new capital projects (renewal or replacement) based on field conditions and observations. Though a valiant effort, this attempt to bridge the information gap between capital project planning and daily maintenance, is merely an informal process to support this exchange of information.


The Department is responsible for the day to day management of over 4 million square feet including 84 municipal buildings, the Lincoln Road District, 39 bridges, 15 monuments, 23 fountains, holiday lighting, oversight of the Convention Center, over 6 miles of pedestrian areas along the beaches and boardwalk, 36 lifeguard stands and Capital Renewal and Replacement projects. With a portfolio as diverse as this one it is crucial that budget decisions are based on tangible measurable data. Bridging the information gap for capital and maintenance investments provides the opportunity for accurate forecasting of capital planning by capturing information in real time. This aligns organizational needs with the right information, at the right time, for the right budget decisions.


Since the Budget Advisory Committee’s recommendation on December 12, 2018, the Department has met with multiple facility condition assessment software companies and multiple CMMS software companies with the purpose of finding two software systems that merge the asset’s information captured during the facility assessment and updated in real time by the actions of maintenance and repairs. For CMMS, the Department has met with companies such as 24/7 Software, Asset Works, Corrigo, and Dude Solutions. For the facility condition assessment, the Department has met with FoScore, ReVision and VFA. These are firms that have handled portfolios in municipalities, hospitals, universities and the like and are aware of both the needs and requirements for a smooth deployment.


The goal is to find a platform that integrates the data holistically for capital planning and facility management systems to accurately define metrics that will provide clarity and recommendations for the annual budgeting for current and future needs.

Administration seeks the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee’s direction and time to further evaluate firms able to provide the best tool enabling a methodical facility condition assessment process that shows how data is collected, facility replacement values are derived, and cost data is developed.


Administration seeks the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee’s direction and time to further evaluate firms able to provide the best tool enabling a methodical facility condition assessment process that shows how data is collected, facility replacement values are derived, and cost data is developed.