Item Coversheet



TO: Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Members

Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager

DATE: November 30, 2018



Since 2011, the City has provided its residents and visitors with a bicycle sharing service through a contract with Citibike. As part of this contract, Citibike provides approximately 1,000 bicycles which can be rented at any of its 100 stations or "docks" strategically and conveniently located throughout the City. The contract also provides revenue to the City through a revenue sharing agreement with Citibike. For Fiscal Year 2017/18, for example, the total amount of revenue provided to the City through the revenue share agreement with Citibike was approximately $574,000. The contract is set to expire in 2023 and the Citibike's sponsorship agreement with Citibank is set to expire in June 2019. Citibike is currently working to secure a sponsorship contract extension and estimates should be secured within 90 days. The City's contract with Citibike currently provides for deployment of standard human-powered bicycles which require the user to pedal.


In the last few years, however, the popularity and use of electric-assisted bicycles in the U.S. has grown and more people are using electric-assisted bikes as a more convenient means of active transportation. While no cities in Miami-Dade County are currently providing an electric-assisted docked bicycle sharing services, the County has recently executed a contract with "Ride On", a provider of electric-assisted docked bicycle sharing services. The contract between Miami-Dade County and Ride On allows for the provision of electric-assisted bicycles on County-owned facilities (such as transit stations, courts, libraries, etc.) and County rights-of-way. While there are only a couple of County-owned facilities in Miami Beach, there are a few roadways in the City which are under the jurisdiction of Miami-Dade County (i.e., Venetian Causeway, Dade Boulevard, Pine Tree Drive, La Gorce Drive, and 23rd Street). Thus, pursuant to the County's contract with Ride-On, electric-assisted bicycles can be deployed by Ride-On within the rights-of-way of the aforementioned streets in the City on an immediate basis.

City staff recently met with representatives of Ride On to discuss the vendor's interest in a pilot program in the City including not only County streets but also other streets under the City's and FDOT's jursidiction. At the meeting, City staff advised Ride On that further discussions with the Administration, City Commission, and Citibike would be required to gauge interest and determine feasibility of an electric-assisted docked bicycle sharing pilot, whether as a stand-alone initiative or in partnership with Citibike.

Subsequently, City staff reached out to Citibike to gauge their interest in a joint electric bicycle pilot initiative. Citibike has expressed a willingness to launch an electric bike pilot, or a different type of bike share system, using its existing Citibike docking stations. Citibike stated that it has been conducting research on electric bikes over the past year and expressed an interest in pursuing this initiative in the cities of Miami and Miami Beach (areas where they already have a contract for bike sharing programs) at a scope, scale, and speed of deployment that is mutually agreeable with the cities' desire. It is worth noting that an advantage of utilizing Citibike's existing docking stations for a pilot is that it would minimize or avoid the addition of new stations and potentially other infrastructure in the City's right-of-way. Per Citibike, initial deployment could be achieved in fewer than six (6) months depending on the scope of the City's electric bike pilot. Citibike also expressed some concerns and issues/risks related to a joint pilot program with another vendor and the implications it could potentially have on Citibank's sponsorship of the Citibike program in Miami Beach, and, consequently, on revenue sharing with Miami Beach. For example, per Citibike's agreement with Citibank, all bikes operated by Citibike in the Miami/Miami Beach area are contractually required to have the Citi branding and colors.


The City is moving towards becoming a more bicycle friendly city through the implementation of various bicycle facilities and enhancements recommended in the Adopted 2016 Transportation Master Plan and Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan. Both master plans as well as the City's Adopted Modal Hiearchy, prioritize bicycles as a mode of transportation for residents and visitors, particularly in terms of providing efficient first mile/last mile connections.

Electric-assisted bicycles could serve as a more convenient means of bicycle transportation for users as compared to the standard pedal-power bicycles currently provided by Citibike, the current provider of bicycle sharing services for both City of Miami Beach and City of Miami. However, given the preliminary stage of discussions with vendors regarding a potential pilot in the City and concerns expressed by Citibike regarding potential impact to the City's revenue sharing agreement, the Administration recommends further exploration and dialogue with Citibike, as well as with other electric bike vendors, including Ride On, the contractor for the County's electric bicycle sharing program, in order to determine feasibility, approach, and scope of a potential electric-assisted/docked bicycle pilot initiative in the City.


The above information is provided to the FCWPC for discussion and input.