Item Coversheet



TO: Public Safety and Neighborhood Quality of Life Committee Members

Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager

DATE: April 17, 2024




On February 12, 2020, the Mayor and City Commission, at the request of Commissioner Meiner, referred a standing item (C4S) to the Neighborhood and Quality of Life Committee to discuss homelessness and ways to address the issue in our community.


Since the last Public Safety & Neighborhood Quality of Life Committee (PSNQLC) update on October 24, 2023, the Homeless Outreach Services Division, in collaboration with the Police Department’s Homeless Resource Unit (“HRU”), Code Compliance, Sanitation, and the Park Rangers, have taken the following measures to address homelessness:


1.    Camillus Health Concern

On October 20, 2023, the City executed an agreement with Camillus Health Concern, Inc. (“CHC”) for the provision of specialized medical street outreach services to the homeless population of Miami Beach. Since commencement, the Homeless Outreach Services Division has referred fifteen (15) unsheltered homeless clients for medical services. Camillus Health Concern conducts independent street outreach and engagement, and has successfully facilitated involuntary Baker Acts, wound care, and/or medication distribution for approximately nineteen (19) unduplicated homeless persons directly from the streets.


2.    Shelter Bed Expansion with Camillus House

The Camillus House, Inc. (“Camillus House”) is a local non-profit organization that has provided the City with emergency shelter beds to serve the homeless population since 2014. The City currently has an agreement with Camillus House for the provision of twelve (12) emergency shelter beds, in conjunction with Case Management services, for $30.54 per bed, per day. The Office of Housing and Community Services identified a significant need for additional shelter beds to reduce homelessness within the community.


On December 19, 2023, Camillus House submitted a proposal to increase the City’s emergency shelter bed roster by six (6) beds, for a total eighteen (18) emergency shelter beds at the current rate of $30.54 per bed, per day. The proposed beds will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the ability to accommodate shelter placements afterhours and on weekends.


The Office of Housing and Community Services consulted with the City’s Procurement Department and determined that the proposed bed rate is fair and reasonable, and that it is in the City’s best interest to expand these services. This item was approved by the Mayor and City Commission on January 31, 2024 and the amended agreement was executed on March 4, 2024.


3. Grant Agreement with the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust for $125,000

The City of Miami Beach grants a recurring $125,000 per fiscal year to the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust (“Homeless Trust”) to address homelessness in Miami Beach. While the allocated funding has been used for various measures in past years, funding for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 will be utilized to acquire fifteen (15) shelter beds at Riverside House, located in the Little Havana area of Miami. Riverside House specializes in guiding individuals who are experiencing unfortunate living circumstances to reentering into society and becoming productive citizens. Residents of the facility participate in support services that may include educational opportunities, individual and group counseling, job search and placement, and substance abuse counseling. The agreement with the Homeless Trust has been form approved and is currently with the Homeless Trust for review and signing.  


4. Community Awareness and Outreach

On February 15, 2024, members of the Homeless Outreach Services Team attended a Community Outreach meeting at the Decoplage Miami Beach Condo, in conjunction with several departments, to address various issues related to quality of life. Staff presented information on voluntary homeless services provided by the City’s Homeless Outreach Services Division, as well as engaged in open dialogue with Decoplage residents to answer questions and address concerns.


5. Budget Enhancement to Expand the Park Rangers Team

The Parks and Recreation Department increased the number of regulatory signs throughout the City Center, including at Collins Park, Collins Canal Park and Soundscape Park. The additional signs were placed along paved park access points and clearly identify park hours (sunrise to sunset). Signs also include "no trespassing" language to further facilitate Police enforcement. The Parks and Recreation Department also increased the level of Park Ranger presence at Collins Park by adding roving units conducting thorough patrols of the entirety of the park a minimum of once per hour. Duties during their visits include patrolling all park areas and addressing any violations, with particular emphasis on encampments and related violations.


Since December 2022, the Parks and Recreation Department instituted a Park Ranger homeless outreach overtime detail. This detail is dedicated solely to homeless outreach and enforcement in identified areas of concern throughout the parks system. The detail takes place outside of regular Park Ranger service hours. In April 2023, coverage was increased to dedicated Park Ranger coverage, non-roving, at Soundscape Park and Collins Park, seven (7) days per week from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm. The Department has seen significant improvement since the inception of the details regarding homeless activity at both parks. Dedicated coverage currently remains at both parks.


On June 28, 2023, the City Commission approved the Seventh Amendment to the FY 2023 General Fund Operating Budget. This included an enhancement to add four (4) additional full-time Park Rangers to increase the City’s public safety presence within the City Center area in locations such as Collins Park, Soundscape Park, Collins Canal Park and Pride Park. This is a direct result of the direction at the April 28, 2023 City Commission meeting to the City Administration regarding bringing forward recommendations on how to address the homeless situations within these locations. Currently, the Parks and Recreation Department has several candidates undergoing the background screening process to fill the new positions approved by the City Commission in June 2023.


Park Ranger - Citywide Homeless Outreach Activities
October 1, 2023 – March 15, 2024


Contacts/welfare check/referrals for assistance


6.    Police Department Homeless Resource Unit (HRU) Outreach

The Miami Beach Police Department’s Homeless Resource Unit (HRU) consists of one (1) Sergeant, two (2) day shift officers, three (3) afternoon officers, and one (1) civilian. Through this unit, the Department continues its implementation of a comprehensive strategy to address homelessness in the City of Miami Beach. As part of the effort, the HRU conducted roll calls and training sessions/presentations to further educate all department sworn personnel. These presentations informed officers of appropriate and legal ways to interact with homeless individuals and provided detailed information about available resources.


Additionally, in September of 2023, the City of Miami Beach Commission passed an ordinance revision on the Miscellaneous Offenses Chapter entitled Camping Prohibited (Ordinance 2023-4573, Section 70-45) which empowers and provides additional options to address homelessness by arresting an individual who is “sleeping or otherwise being in a temporary shelter out-of-doors” or “cooking over an open flame or fire out-of-doors.” In conjunction with the City’s Legal Department, the Police Department conducted PowerPoint presentations and in-person roll call training for the benefit of sworn personnel in the entire police department. This training was completed in October and November of 2023 and arrests began in December 2023.


 The top five (5) charges for arrested homeless individuals within the below stated timeframe are for entering/remaining in a park after hours, resisting without violence, trespassing on property after warning, controlled substance possession and trespassing in that order. The HRU continues to participate in a weekly unified outreach initiative that addresses various areas of concern throughout the city.


The following are reported service numbers for the HRU encompassing October 1, 2023 – March 17, 2024:


Contacts/ Engagements


Afterhours Emergency Shelter Placements


Residential Treatment Placements







Total Arrests


Homeless Arrests /

Percentage of homeless arrests to total arrests



Arrests related to

Sec. 70-45 (Camping Prohibited)

October 2023-February 2024







7.    New Hope Specialized Outreach

The following are reported service numbers for New Hope specialized outreach services, encompassing October 1, 2023 – March 15, 2024:


Contacts/ Engagements

2,404/ 214

Pre-Treatment/ Emergency Shelter Placements


Residential Treatment Placements




8.    Homeless Outreach Services Division

The following are service numbers for the Office of Housing and Community Services Homeless Outreach Division, encompassing October 1, 2023 – March 15, 2024:


Street Outreach/ Walk-In Center Contacts


Shelter Placements


Family Reunifications



The Administration will continue to seek innovative program expansion and efficiency opportunities to further promote the reduction of homelessness in our community.

Applicable Area

Is this a "Residents Right to Know" item, pursuant to City Code Section 2-14? Does this item utilize G.O. Bond Funds?
No No 

Strategic Connection

Mobility - Address homelessness.
Committee Referral Memo