This RFP seeks proposals from qualified firms for emergency management administrative support. The selected consultant will provide services designed to support the City’s emergency management administrative needs with preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery associated with disaster-related events. This support will facilitate the maximization of federal and other funding and help the City retain these funds during subsequent project closeouts and audits. The City is requesting support services from the consultant in the following areas:
· Support the undertaking of damage assessments to maximize recovery efforts.
· Review eligibility issues, and work with the City to develop justifications for submission to FEMA and other applicable agencies.
· Assist the City in developing an approach to filing and tracking eligible costs.
· Assist in the preparation of project worksheets and web portal submissions based upon actual / estimated costs provided by City departments.
· Assist with identifying cost-effective mitigation opportunities and alternatives (Section 404 and 406 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act), and the preparation of documentation to secure funding.
· Participate in meetings with FEMA, State of Florida and requisite agencies to negotiate and formulate individual project worksheets and mitigation projects as needed.
· Assist departments having difficulty with their project worksheet claims.
· Assist in determining if any eligible damages have not been identified and submitted for reimbursement.
· Preparation of appeals.
· Assist with final inspections, project closeouts and any OIG audits.
· Assist with recovering costs from any other Federal and State agency programs.
· Assist in long-term recovery planning guidance.
The scope of work and requirements of the RFP for emergency management administrative support services are more fully defined in the draft RFP attached as Attachment A. Following the receipt of proposals, an Evaluation Committee will review proposals in accordance with the criteria established in the RFP.