On April 21, 2023 commencing at 9:30 a.m., the City of Miami Beach will host a Hybrid Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee Meeting. During the Hybrid Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee Meeting, the Committee will be physically present in a socially distanced manner in the Commission Chamber, Miami Beach City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3rd Floor, Miami Beach, FL 33139. The public is encouraged to attend the meeting virtually (as provided below). However, members of the public who wish to attend the meeting or provide public comment in person may appear at the Commission Chamber. Members of the public are encouraged to use facial coverings and observe social distancing consistent with CDC guidance to limit the spread of COVID-19.
To participate or provide comment virtually during the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee Meeting, the public may join the webinar at: https://miamibeachfl-gov.zoom.us/j/86360595462 or via telephone at: 1.301.715.8592 (U.S.) or 888.475.4499 (Toll Free). Webinar ID: 86360595462#. Members of the public wanting to speak virtually on an item during the meeting, must click the “raise hand” icon if using the Zoom app or press *9 on the telephone to raise their hand.