Item Coversheet



TO: Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee Members

Alina T. Hudak, City Manager

DATE: April 21, 2023



On February 1, 2023, Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez sponsored agenda item C7 AA, a Resolution to direct the Tourism and Culture Department to contract musician Matisyahu for a performance in the City of Miami Beach. After discussion, the resolution was not adopted, and the Commission instead directed the Administration to:


  •  Determine the feasibility and cost of retaining musician Matisyahu to perform in Miami Beach.
  •  Come back to the Commission with a proposal and plan so the Commission can consider it.
  • Suggest ticket prices (whether the performance is free to the public or a paid event).
  • Once the proposal is properly vetted, if necessary, the Commission can refer the Item to the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee.


Subsequently, on February 28, 2023, the Mayor and City Commission approved the referral of the following items sponsored by Commissioner Ricky Arriola regarding programming to the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee (FERC).


  •  C7 Q   Organize Programming, Cuban Singer/Songwriter Albita Rodriguez Concert.
  •  C7 R    Organize Programming, Singer/Songwriter Mordechai Shapiro Concert.
  •  C7 S    Organize Programming, Rapper "Vanilla Ice" Concert in Miami Beach.
  •  C7 T    Organize Programming, Blues Singer Sam Moore Concert in Miami Beach.
  •  C7 V    Organize Programming for Musician David Byrne Concert in Miami Beach.


At the same time, item C7 AA – Matisyahu from February 1, 2023 was also referred to FERC for parity.        


The following items were referred from the February 22, 2023 Commission Meeting to the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee for discussion:


·         C7 Q   Organize Programming, Cuban Singer/Songwriter Albita Rodriguez Concert.

·         C7 R    Organize Programming, Singer/Songwriter Mordechai Shapiro Concert.

·         C7 S    Organize Programming, Rapper "Vanilla Ice" Concert in Miami Beach.

·         C7 T    Organize Programming, Blues Singer Sam Moore Concert in Miami Beach.

·         C7 V    Organize Programming for Musician David Byrne Concert in Miami Beach.

·         C7 AA Engage Artist Matisyahu for Future MB Programming Events. (Item from February 1, 2023 Commission Meeting.)


Staff has performed due diligence and conducted research as to availability and cost for the various proposed artists. The costs depicted below are for the artist fee only, unless noted inclusive of production and artist rider fees. 


Estimated Programming Costs:



·         Musician David Byrne Concert

o   David Byrne is currently in the studio. It is believed that he is currently not doing many engagements. However, in order to make an offer enticing to David Byrne, based on high-level conversations with agent, staff  would recommend ‘starting’ with an offer as follows:

  •  $500,000.00 to $750,000.00 all-inclusive fee for 45 min performance in 2023
  • Concert positioned as a charity event open to the public on the beachfront
  • All proceeds go to his foundation:
  • City to work with David Byrne’s team to develop programming and messaging of concert
  • Cannot be tied to any specific date or pre-existing event
  • David Byrne to perform cover songs from Talking Heads (minimal rehearsal required)
  • David Byrne's top priority is the production of his new album and an offer with not guarantee a performance. 


· C7 AA Engage Artist Matisyahu for Future MB Programming Events. (Item from February 1, 2023 Commission Meeting.)

o   To consolidate production and artist fees, Staff engaged the Rhythm Foundation, as they had presented Matisyahu is 2022. If an event was held at the Miami Beach Bandshell, it would cost approximately $40,000 ($30,000 for the artist, $10,000 in production fees to the Rhythm Foundation/ Miami Beach Bandshell)


Funding Process Recommendation:


The Finance Department has noted that the City’s adopted FY 2023-FY 2027 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), identified a total of approximately $1.6 billion in unfunded capital project needs over the next five years. Further, based on the City’s adopted the city’s financial policies regarding the Capital Reserve Fund and Capital Funding (below), we are recommending that new projects be evaluated through the FY 2024 budget process.


  • Resolution 2002-24764 requires that at least 50% of annual General Fund revenues in excess of expenditures be transferred to the Capital Reserve Fund.
  •  Resolution 2006-26341 established a goal of funding at least 5% of the General Fund budget for capital needs. In recent years, this policy has not been met. In FY 2023, approximately 1.5% ($6 million) of the budget was transferred to Capital Reserve and Pay-as-you-go to fund Capital needs. Had this been funded at the recommended 5%, the transfer should have totaled approximately $19 million.
  • Resolution 2006-26341 requires that one-time revenues shall be used for capital expenditures or one-time expenditures, rather than funding recurring programs.


In addition, there have been a number of priority initiatives identified by the Commission and staff that will have significant funding impacts. As we develop the FY 2024 budget, the full fiscal impact of the recently approved collective bargaining agreements also will need to be absorbed. While there are certain one-time needs that may be needed for initiatives already underway, to the extent possible, it is recommended that requests for funding, especially those with recurring impacts, be evaluated as part of the FY 2024 budget development process.


The Administration intends to bring to the Commission a budget amendment for any of these initiatives approved for funding, together with the initiatives that were approved on February 22, 2023 and that were not previously budgeted.

Applicable Area

Is this a "Residents Right to Know" item, pursuant to City Code Section 2-14? Does this item utilize G.O. Bond Funds?
Yes No 
Exhibit A - Referral Memo - MatisyahuMemo
Exhibit B - Referral Memo - HenryMemo
Exhibit C - Referral Memo - RodriguezMemo
Exhibit D - Referral Memo - ShapiroMemo
Exhibit E - Referral Memo - Vanilla IceMemo
Exhibit F - Referral Memo - MooreMemo
Exhibit G - Referral Memo - ByrneMemo