The City of Miami Beach hosts a wide variety of special events that enrich the community for both visitors and residents. To mitigate the demands made upon City resources and infrastructure, applicants are required to present proposed special event activities to potentially impacted neighborhood associations and appropriate City departments to ensure that these events are compatible with the surrounding neighborhoods. This process assists in evaluating and assessing the City’s resources, both in terms of personnel and use of public property and rights-of-way, to adequately protect the public safety, health, and welfare of the community.
Special events in the City of Miami Beach are subject to review and recommendation by the corresponding neighborhood or business association(s) as part of a monthly Special Events Community Review.
Currently, the Tourism and Culture Departments hosts the Special Events Community Review meeting on the third Thursday of every month in a virtual manner. The meeting invitation for the monthly meeting is sent to City personnel, event producers and community stakeholders. Additionally, TCD staff has taken steps to publicly notice the monthly meeting through the City Clerk’s Office, as seen in Exhibit A.
For events that could have a high impact on the community and city services, a separate community meeting is scheduled. TCD has worked with the Neighborhood Affairs division to schedule and promote community meetings, as seen in Exhibit B.
The Administration provided an update at the March 22, 2023 Public Safety and Neighborhood Quality of Life meeting regarding resident notification. Administration recently increased resident and neighborhood notification for large-scale events with potential major impacts. The enhanced notification included a printed flyer, Exhibit D, which was hand-delivered to affected properties, due to the major impact the event would have.
The Tourism and Culture Department is completing a routine review of current Special Event Guidelines to ensure they are up to date for all city services. In addition, based on community feedback, more consideration has been taken for resident notification.
Revisions to the guidelines include the language below for additional resident notifications.
“In addition, for events taking place on public property, applicants shall provide hand-delivered notice to properties or neighborhoods within a 500-foot radius to advise the community of an upcoming Special Event Community Review meeting which includes discussion and review of said proposed event.”