Pursuant to the adopted City Commission resolution, the Transportation and Mobility Department is currently working with DTPW on evaluating a concept for a potential reconfiguration of the intersection at Venetian Way/Century Lane/Island Avenue West.
On December 9, 2022, County Commissioner Micky Steinberg, at the request of residents, coordinated an on-site meeting with Belle Isle residents, DTPW staff, City of Miami Beach Mayor’s Office staff, and City staff to observe the traffic operations occurring at this intersection first-hand and collaboratively discuss an action plan to address the operational challenges. At the conclusion of the meeting, County staff stated that they would meet internally and develop a preliminary design concept which would be shared with City staff and residents at a subsequent meeting for review and feedback.
On February 15, 2023, County Commissioner Micky Steinberg coordinated a follow-up meeting with residents, DTPW staff, and Transportation and Mobility Department staff. During the meeting, DTPW staff shared a preliminary design concept to reconfigure the intersection and eliminate some of the conflicting vehicular movements that contribute to the traffic operational deficiencies at the intersection. The concept proposes a permanent closure to/from Island Avenue West and Venetian Way (both eastbound and westbound). Access to/from Century Lane and Venetian Way would be maintained. Under the proposed reconfiguration, all vehicular traffic exiting the Standard Hotel would need to turn around at a proposed striped cul-de-sac and travel eastbound along Island Avenue to the intersection at Island Avenue East/Venetian Way in order to access the Venetian Causeway.
During the meeting, residents and City staff provided feedback on the County’s preliminary concept. DTPW staff is currently refining the concept based on the feedback received and will be presenting an updated concept to the City and residents for further review and comments.
Once a reconfiguration concept is collaboratively selected, it is anticipated that the County and City will jointly reach out to the Standard Hotel with regard to the proposed modifications to the intersection. Furthermore, it is anticipated that the County will assume a leadership role in the design development phase of the proposed improvements. At this time, however, the County has not yet shared a timeline for completion of the preliminary concept, commencement of design development, or construction of the proposed reconfiguration.
No fiscal impact at this time. Funding participation for the design and construction phases of the project has not yet been determined.