Item Coversheet

City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,

 Item 8.

TO: Land Use and Sustainability Committee

FROM: Alina T. Hudak, City Manager

DATE: November 18, 2022


On October 26, 2022, at the request of Mayor Dan Gelber, the City Commission referred the subject discussion item to the Land Use and Sustainability Committee (C4 D).

The property at 7605 Collins Avenue, at the northeast corner of Collins Avenue and 76th Street, is zoned RS-4 (Single Family) and contains an existing single-family residence. The subject property is also located within the Harding Townsite Local Historic District, and the existing home on the site is classified as ‘contributing’ in the City’s historic properties database. In terms of surrounding context, the property is bounded by an RM-1 zoning district to the west, and the GU district to the immediate north, east and south, which contains Altos-del-Mar Park and the North Shore Library site (see attached zoning and context maps).

As this individual property is a small lot within a larger, non-single-family context, the item sponsor has requested that the Land Use and Sustainability Committee (LUSC) discuss potential opportunities for this site, in relation to the immediate area. The item sponsor has also requested that the LUSC provide recommendations regarding prospects for the property, including, but not limited to, the following potential options for the site:

1. A potential change in zoning from the current classification of RS to a residential multifamily zoning district (e.g., RM-1) or to a commercial zoning district (e.g., CD-2). Under this option, if legally possible, it would be contemplated that the City would have first right of refusal if the property owner decided to sell the property.

2. The potential purchase of the property by the City, and the reclassification of the property to a GU district.


As the subject property does not use ‘floor area’ as a basis for allowable intensity, a rezoning of the property to a classification other than GU or ROS, such as RM-1 or CD-2, would require voter approval to accommodate the applicable FAR associated with a multi-family or commercial zoning district. Additionally, an amendment to the Future Land Use Designation in the 2040 Comprehensive Master Plan would be required, and any modifications to the existing home, including, but not limited to, demolition, would require a certificate of appropriateness from the Historic Preservation Board.

The Administration believes it would be worthwhile to explore different options for integrating the proposed property within the framework of the larger area, as it is currently somewhat of an anomaly within the existing surroundings. Since this is a very small site, re-zoning the property to a more intense district may not be advantageous, unless there was a future rezoning of the GU properties to the immediate south and a connection was formed.

As it pertains to the potential options noted herein, if the City was to consider either the purchase of the property or participating in a larger development agreement with the library site to the south, there would be financial and budget implications. In order to consider the potential benefits that could be associated with future alternatives proposed for the library and parking lot to the immediate south, the Administration would not recommend committing to a specific course of action for the subject site at 7605 Collins Avenue at this time. Instead, it is suggested that the LUSC discuss and provide a recommendation to the City Commission regarding the options provided herein.


The Administration recommends that the Land Use and Sustainability Committee discuss the item and provide an applicable recommendation to the City Commission.

Applicable Area

North Beach
Is this a "Residents Right to Know" item, pursuant to City Code Section 2-14? Does this item utilize G.O. Bond Funds?
Yes No 


Zoning MAPOther
Context MAPOther