At the May 12, 2021 City Commission meeting, the Mayor and City Commission unanimously directed the City Attorney's Office place a discussion item on the June 23, 2021 City Commission agenda, with a draft of the ballot question relating to a proposed 2:00 a.m. termination time for the sale and consumption of alcohol in the MXE District south of 16th Street. As discussed on May 12, 2021, the draft would be submitted for discussion purposes only, as the final ballot question cannot be adopted until the July meeting, based on Miami-Dade County election requirements and applicable law.
The proposed ballot question is attached hereto. Specifically, City Commission direction is requested as to whether the intent is for the ballot question to be binding on the City Commission (Option A) or a non-binding straw ballot question (Option B).
In addition to the referendum question relating to the MXE District, Mayor Gelber has proposed that a separate non-binding straw ballot question be submitted to the voters as part of the November 2, 2021 election, asking whether the voters would support a 2:00 a.m. termination time for sale and consumption of alcohol hours in other areas of the City. Mayor Gelber's proposed additional ballot question is also attached hereto for review and discussion.