1. Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Office of Criminal Justice Grants, Federal Fiscal Year 2020 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Countywide (JAGC) Solicitation, in the approximate amount of $10,000 for the Police Department Officer Wellness Program.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) has received an award from the U.S. Department of Justice for the Federal Fiscal Year 2020 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Countywide Program (JAGC). FDLE will distribute these funds in accordance with the JAG Countywide provisions of the Florida Administrative Code for use by all units of government within Miami-Dade County. The JAGC program provides funds to support multiple components of the criminal justice system including, but not limited to law enforcement programs, mental health programs and planning, evaluation and technology improvement programs; the funds may be used for training, equipment, supplies and other eligible purpose areas.
The City Administration is requesting funding, in the approximate amount of $10,000, for the Police Department’s Officer Safety and Wellness Program. Matching funds are not required for this grant.
2. The Jorge M. Pérez Family Foundation, Pérez CreARTE Grant Program at The Miami Foundation in the approximate amount of $250,000 for the City’s STEAM Plus program.
The Jorge M. Pérez Family Foundation at The Miami Foundation was launched in 2015 and provides funding for programs and organizations focused on arts and culture, health and well-being, education, the environment and economic development.
The City created the STEAM Plus program in 2018 to engage students in STEAM via the arts. The STEAM Plus Program partners with local cultural institutions to engage students in STEAM as part of curriculums in local public schools. The Administration is applying to the Pérez CreARTE grant program for $250,000 in grant funds to expand existing services/programs and increase organizational capacity of the STEAM Plus program. If awarded, the grant would be a significant boost to the continued efforts by The Bass and the City to expand the program to a new level each year. This grant does not require matching funds.
3. The Florida League of Mayors 2021 City Catalyst Grant Program in the approximate amount of $1,500.
The Florida League of Mayors serves as an incubator for ideas to address issues facing Florida’s municipalities. Business Watch is a business league committed to public policy for Florida’s economy. The Florida League of Mayors and Business Watch have teamed up to offer the annual City Catalyst Grants program. The program supports projects or initiatives that help build community and/or enhance the lives of municipal residents. All applications must come from a current member of the Florida League of Mayors.
The City is applying for funding in the amount of $1,500 to support the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program. CERT members are trained to support the City’s Emergency Operation Areas during times of activation, they provide critical support to first responders, provide assistance to victims and organize spontaneous volunteers at a disaster site. If awarded, grant funds will be used to purchase equipment for the CERT program. This grant does not require matching funds.
4. Florida Department of Transportation, Public Transit Service Development Program in the approximate amount of $128,000 for the Middle Beach On-Demand Transit Service (Freebee).
The proposed project will provide an eco-friendly on-demand transit solution for the Middle Beach community which is not currently served by the Miami Beach Trolley or Miami-Dade County Bus service. The service offers first/last mile connectivity to transit stops and hubs that are served by Miami Beach trolley service and Miami-Dade County buses.
Based on the 2019 Resident Survey, 63% of residents use their automobile as a primary mode of transportation for trips within Miami Beach. While many residents use the City’s trolley service and 75% of residents surveyed are satisfied with the service, there is a need to provide first mile/last mile connectivity particularly in areas that are not served by the trolley service. This on-demand transit service is an efficient solution to a first/last mile connection problem for the Middle Beach community by scheduling trips based on daily demand. It is important to mention that the existing Miami-Dade County Route 115 is the only route currently serving the area. The County is planning to eliminate this route due to low ridership as part of the proposed Better Bus Network. Therefore, this area will be highly impacted in terms of transit accessibility and connectivity, which means that continuation of the on-demand transit service will have a positive impact to mobility in the community.
The City is requesting $128,000 in operating funds. The grant requires matching funds in the amount of $128,000 which is available in Account No. 106-9615-000349-30-403-529-00-00-00.