Item Coversheet

City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,

 Item 2

TO: Land Use and Sustainability Committee

FROM: Raul J. Aguila, Interim City Manager

DATE: January 20, 2021



Discuss and conclude the item and provide a recommendation to the City Commission.

Recommend that the City Commission refer the attached draft ordinance amendments to the Planning Board for review.


On September 16, 2020, at the request of Commissioner Ricky Arriola, the City Commission referred a discussion item pertaining to lot aggregation, lot size and parking requirements in the Sunset Harbor area to the Land Use and Sustainability Committee (item C4K).  On October 14, 2020 the item was discussed by the LUSC and continued to December 15, 2020.


On December 15, 2020 the LUSC discussed the item and continued it to the January 2021 LUSC, with direction to the Administration to prepare a draft ordinance based upon the recommendations in the LUSC memo, as well as the applicable concepts included in the Neighborhood Vision Plan prepared by the residents of Sunset Harbor.


Recently, the City Commission approved a neighborhood identity overlay district for the Sunset Harbor area. In furtherance of this overlay, staff recommended that the outer portion of the Sunset Harbor area, generally including those lots fronting on Dade Boulevard and Alton Road, be further studied regarding the potential proliferation of oversized uses.

In this regard, given the overall size of the lots facing these thoroughfares, and the ability to provide an excessive amount of onsite vehicular storage, additional regulations to ensure the unique character of the Sunset Harbor area should be considered. In this regard, with the availability of parking in the Sunset Harbor parking garage, the need for excessive vehicle storage within private sites becomes less critical. Also, the aggregation of multiple lots for the express purpose of creating oversized development would be contrary to the established scale, character and context of the Sunset Harbor area.

In order to address these issues, staff has identified the following potential development regulations for the Sunset Harbor area:

Required Off-Street Vehicle Parking
The Sunset Harbor parking garage, which is centrally located and under capacity, provides a tangible option for the operational parking needs of retail, restaurant and other commercial uses in the area. As such, a reduction or elimination of parking requirements for all commercial uses is recommended. Within larger development sites, this regulation would significantly control the oversized scale, massing and volumes of larger developments by removing the need for large parking pedestals.

Lot Aggregation
Limits on the number of lots that can be aggregated for retail, personal service or restaurant uses is recommended, to avoid out of scale developments.

Lot Size
Like the lot aggregation proposal, a limit on overall lot size for development would foster a more cohesive, context sensitive type of infill development pattern, particularly along the outer edges of Sunset Harbor.

Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Large Establishments
Currently a CUP is required for developments that exceed 50,000 square feet in the CD-2 and I-1 districts. In order to further limit the potential concentration of larger developments, the requirement for a CUP for establishments over 25,000 square feet should be considered. A similar requirement exists in the North Beach Town Center (TC-C district). The TC-C district also limits the number of establishments over 25,000 square feet to two establishments. Similar limitations could be considered for the Sunset Harbor neighborhood.

On October 14, 2020 the LUSC discussed the proposal and the item was continued to December 15, 2020. Additionally, the item sponsor convened a community meeting on December 1, 2020 involving affected residents of the Sunset Harbor area was held. Topics of discussion included the mix of uses that make Sunset Harbor unique, as well as the need to maintain the unique character and identity of the neighborhood.

The concept of a Neighborhood Vision Plan was also discussed at the December 1, 2020 community meeting. The concepts proposed in this plan include modifications to the height regulations in the larger Sunset Harbor area, as well as minimum setbacks for higher floors.

On December 15, 2020 the LUSC expressed support for the overall direction of this item, including the concepts identified in the Neighborhood Vision Plan. Per the direction of the LUSC, the attached ordinance includes the recommendations noted above, as well as the measurable concepts proposed in the Neighborhood Vision Plan for Sunset Harbor.

The following is a general summary of what is included in the attached ordinance:

• An overlay area has been created within the CD-2 and I-1 district regulations that is specific to the Sunset Harbor area.
• A clear pedestrian path of ten (10’) feet is required; the DRB may allow for the path to be reduced to five (5) feet subject to the design review criteria.

• The DRB may increase the maximum building height to 65 feet for the following properties:
o Properties fronting Dade Boulevard between Alton Road and Purdy Avenue;
o Properties fronting Alton Road between the southern lot line of Lot 2 Block 12 A of the Island View Addition Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 9 Page 144 in the Public Records of Miami-Dade County on the north and Dade Boulevard on the south; and
o Properties fronting Purdy Avenue between 18th Street on the north and Dade Boulevard on the south.

• In addition to approval from the design review board, the increase in the maximum height to 65 feet for the above noted properties shall be subject to the design review criteria and the following regulations:
o The property shall have a minimum lot size of 10,000 square feet.
o The ground floor shall contain retail, personal service, restaurant and similar types of active uses fronting the clear pedestrian path.
o Portions of the building exceeding 55 feet in height that abut a residential use shall be setback a minimum of ten (10) feet from the residential use.

• Height exceptions located within 25 feet of a street facing façade of the building or an interior lot line abutting a residential use shall not exceed 10 feet in height.

• Maximum Lot Aggregation. No more than six (6) lots may be aggregated for non-office, retail, personal service or restaurant uses.

• Maximum Lot Size. The maximum lot size for non-office, retail, personal service or restaurant uses shall not exceed 36,000 square feet. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any lot larger than 36,000 square feet that existed prior to January 1, 2021 shall be considered legally conforming.

• Number of Large Establishments and Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Requirements. For non-office, retail, personal service or restaurant uses establishments over 25,000 square feet conditional use approval from the Planning Board shall be required. Additionally, no more than two non-office, retail, personal service or restaurant uses establishments over 25,000 square feet shall be permitted within the Sunset Harbor area.

• Minimum Parking. Non-residential uses located above the ground floor, regardless of square footage, shall have no parking requirement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, office uses may provide required parking on site as specified in parking district no. 1. Such required parking, if provided for office uses, shall be exempt from FAR, in accordance with the regulations specified in chapter 114 of these land development regulations,

The Administration believes that the attached draft ordinance is an accurate reflection of the proposed Neighborhood Vision Plan for Sunset Harbor. Any modifications to the proposed draft ordinance can be easily accommodated for referral by the City Commission to the Planning Board.


The administration recommends that the LUSC transmit a recommendation to the City Commission to refer the attached draft ordinance amendment to the Planning Board for review.

Applicable Area

South Beach
Is this a "Residents Right to Know" item, pursuant to City Code Section 2-14? Does this item utilize G.O. Bond Funds?
Yes No 


Sunset Harbor Overlay - DRAFT ORD Ordinance
Sunset Harbor NVPOther