Item Coversheet

City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139,

 Item 8.

TO: Land Use and Sustainability Committee

FROM: Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager

DATE: September 22, 2020


The entertainment district serves many visitors and residents on a daily basis.  Ocean Drive in particular serves as the focal point for many special events attracting millions of people every year.  The City Commission would like to improve safety and functionality of Ocean Drive through the use of activations, placemaking, and tactical urbanism.

The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) defines tactical urbanism as a methodology which allows cities to experiment, expedite project implementation, and gather immediate results for mobility and safety by using mostly temporary materials and tactical interventions that are low-risk and temporary.

The City has implemented temporary and semi-permanent tactical urbanism projects in previous years, including the closure of Rue Vendome between 71 Street and Normandy Drive (Attachment) which allowed for programming and place-making.  A tactical urbanism event that was successful on a temporary basis in the City was Ciclovia along Washington Avenue from 5th Street to Lincoln Road which closed the street to vehicles and allowed bicycles and other non-motorized modes as well as event programming and family-friendly activations.

At the January 15, 2020 City Commission meeting, a discussion item regarding piloting the closure of 9 Street between Ocean Drive and Collins Avenue was sponsored by Commissioner Ricky Arriola and referred to the Land Use and Sustainability Committee.


9th Street between Ocean Drive and Collins Avenue is a City street; however, pursuant to Miami-Dade County home-rule charter, all traffic engineering functions including traffic control, traffic signalization, and street closures are under the County’s purview and jurisdiction.  In advance of this item, Transportation and Mobility Department staff communicated with County staff to discuss the process for a pilot.  The County advised that if the street is closed for a special activation during a weekend or short-term special event, the City would only need to obtain a maintenance-of-traffic permit from the County, such as the case for the temporary one-way traffic flow modification implemented by Police during special events.  

However, given that the County does not have a formal process for the approval of pilot projects consisting of street closures, the County advised that the City is required to follow the Miami-Dade County Traffic Flow Modification Procedure for County approval.  As per the County’s procedure, the City is required to perform a traffic study to determine the impact of the closure on the adjacent streets.  The traffic study must be reviewed and approved by the County prior to the closure taking place.  In addition, any closure of or modification to the intersection of 9 Street and Collins Avenue requires review and approval from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) given that Collins Avenue is a state road under FDOT’s jurisdiction.


Based on prior studies of similar scope, the Administration believes that this study would cost approximately $35,000 and take approximately 90 days to complete.


The closure of 9 Street between Ocean Drive and Collins Avenue to vehicular traffic, even as a pilot, requires a traffic study for County and FDOT review and approval.

Should the Land Use and Sustainability Committee desire that the Administration move forward with the required traffic study, the Transportation and Mobility Department would engage a traffic consultant to conduct the required traffic analysis for the closure, subject to budget availability.  Given that the findings of the traffic study are not anticipated to be controversial or impactful, the Administration expects to secure County and FDOT approval of the closure of 9 Street. 

As such, in parallel to the traffic study and street closure approval process, the Economic Development Department will work with the Ocean Drive Association on potential event programming and funding for such activation.  It is important to note that both the tactical urbanism infrastructure improvements and event programming are essential components for the success of the street closure pilot.

Applicable Area

South Beach
Is this a "Residents Right to Know" item, pursuant to City Code Section 2-14? Does this item utilize G.O. Bond Funds?
Yes No 


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