On February 13, 2020, the Administration issued Request for Proposals (RFP) 2020-056-WG for Risk Management and Claims Software. A publicly advertised pre-bid conference was conducted on February 27, 2020. RFP responses were due and received on April 14, 2020. The City received proposals from the following five firms: American Technical Services, Inc., Computer Sciences Corp. DBA DXC Technology Co., JDI Date Corporation, Origami Risk LLC and Ventiv Technology Inc. All of the proposals submitted were found to be responsive to the requirements of the RFP.
On May 13, 2020, pursuant to LTC# 155-2020, the City Manager appointed Evaluation Committee convened to consider proposals received. The Committee was comprised of Ed Beecher, Human Resources Director, City of Pompano, Sonia Bridges, Division Director, Risk Management & Benefits, Ralph Lavaud, Senior Systems Analyst, Information Technology Department, Fernando Pestana, Budget Analyst, Budget Department and Ashraf Sohaib, Chief Information Security Officer, Information Technology Department. The Committee was provided an overview of the project, information relative to the City’s Cone of Silence Ordinance and the Government Sunshine Law. The Committee was also provided with general information on the scope of services and a copy of each proposal. The Committee was instructed to score and rank each proposal pursuant to the evaluation criteria established in the RFP. The RFP required that the Evaluation Committee evaluate proposals as to qualifications and the proposed system.
The evaluation process resulted in the proposers being ranked by the Evaluation Committee in the following order (See Attachment A):
1st – Origami Risk
2nd – Ventiv Technology
3rd – Computer Sciences/DXC Technology
4th – JDI Date
5th – American Technical Services
Staff has considered the Evaluation Committee’s rankings and has determined that the top two firms, Origami Risk and Ventiv Technology have proposed systems that address the City’s needs. A summary of the two top-ranked firms follows, as articulated in their proposals:
Origami Risk
Origami is led by a team of industry leaders with deep expertise in the risk management technology needs of government and public entities. With nearly 100 government and public entity clients, including 32 counties, 37 cities, 20 states, a federal agency, and more, they have become firmly established as a leading risk management provider. These public sector clients range from small municipalities to cities, states, and the federal government, and make up nearly 20 percent of their client base. The majority of their clients’ projects have involved the conversion of data from historical sources and, as such, they have tremendous experience in this area. In particular, they have successfully performed more than 30 historical data migrations from RiskMaster, the City’s current system.
Ventiv Technology
Ventiv Technology has been serving the claims market, particularly the public sector, since 2002. With more than 625 implementations across their product suite, they have extensive experience implementing systems and developing proven best practices. Their history in the market and their strong client base, 48% of which are public entities or public risk pools, have allowed them to develop a solution that meets the needs of many different claims organizations out-of-the-box. Their comprehensive claims management and administration system, Ventiv Claims Premier covers all lines of insurance and has a complete suite of optional compliance programs for MMR, EDI, medical bill review, and more.
Because of the variability in how bidders normally price system implementations and to allow for the maximum flexibility, the RFP stipulated that cost would be considered as a factor by the City Manager. For example, some bidders did not quote fixed costs and, therefore, it is difficult to determine the actual costs the City would incur.
$ 414,470
Ventiv Technology
$ 590,975
*Average cost of all proposals that provided fixed costs.