Item Coversheet



TO: Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee Members

Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager

DATE: May 22, 2020



The Miami-Dade County Strategic Miami Area Rapid Transit (SMART) Plan contains six (6) Rapid Transit Corridors and nine (9) Bus Express Rapid Transit (BERT) routes for Miami-Dade County. BERT service consists of enhanced branded buses operating limited stop service on shoulders or dedicated transit lanes, where feasible, to reduce travel time and help ensure service schedule reliability. Three (3) BERT routes (Beach Express North, Central, and South) are proposed to connect Miami Beach and the mainland.

The City of Miami Beach, City of Miami, Miami-Dade County, and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) have partnered in the planning, development, and implementation of the Beach Express North/Julia Tuttle BERT route. The BERT service is intended to serve the City’s workforce of approximately 40,000 people who live on the mainland and commute to Miami Beach for work daily.

Based on the City’s 2019 Community Survey:
• 48% of businesses rate effectiveness of public transit for employee commuting as excellent/good
• 14% of businesses encourage use of public transit
Providing reliable and convenient express bus service for our transit-dependent workforce is a priority issue for Miami-Dade County and City of Miami Beach. Via resolution of the City Commission, Miami Beach has committed to fund 50% of the annual operation and maintenance costs of the Julia Tuttle BERT service for a three-year period, for a total approximate amount of $5.1 million, using the shoulders of the Julia Tuttle Causeway.

At its June 29, 2018 meeting, the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee passed a motion recommending that the Administration:


  1. Work with Miami-Dade County to finalize the Beach Express North/Julia Tuttle Bus Express Rapid Transit (BERT) interlocal agreement and business plan
  2. Explore the possibility of modifying the existing Route 150 (Airport Express) to provide interim BERT-like service in advance of the Beach Express North/Julia Tuttle BERT service
  3. Explore providing a subsidy to Miami Beach employees that use the BERT service 
  4. Provide quarterly updates to the Finance Committee regarding the status of the Beach Express North/Julia Tuttle BERT demonstration project (short-term and long-term service)


Long-Term BERT Service

Attachment A depicts a presentation prepared by Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works with an updated status on the proposed Beach Express North/Julia Tuttle BERT long-term (2023) service using the inside shoulders.  County staff will attend the May 22, 2020 FERC meeting to present the update and respond to any questions or concerns from the Committee.


FDOT is currently in the design development phase for the structural improvements to the inside shoulders of the Julia Tuttle Causeway required for the long-term BERT service.  Coordination with U.S. DOT Federal Highway Administration is required given that the Julia Tuttle Causeway is a federal interstate highway (I-195).  FDOT anticipates awarding the construction of the inside shoulder improvements, including new overhead signage and lane restriping along the entire causeway, in 2022.  The FDOT work is scheduled to be completed in 2023 prior to the County commencing BERT service using the inside shoulders.


Interim BERT Service

On a parallel path, the County is also evaluating the feasibility of implementing interim BERT service using the outside shoulders of the Julia Tuttle Causeway by early 2021.   Attachment B depicts the various scenarios (A-G) being considered.  The costs displayed in the charts are still under review and are not final.  Below is a brief description of the routes being considered.  Routes are listed in order of total route distance from the longest to the shortest.  


Scenario A – Golden Glades Intermodal Facility to Miami Beach Convention Center with interim stops at Earlington Heights Metrorail Station, Mount Sinai Medical Center, etc.

Scenario B - Golden Glades Intermodal Facility to Mount Sinai Medical Center with an interim stop at Earlington Heights Metrorail Station

Scenario C – Miami Intermodal Center to Miami Beach Convention Center with interim stops at Earlington Heights Metrorail Station, Mount Sinai Medical Center, etc.

Scenario D – Earlington Heights Metrorail Station to Miami Beach Convention Center with interim stops at Mount Sinai Medical Center, etc.

Scenario E - Earlington Heights Metrorail Station to Fontainebleau Hotel with an interim stop at Mount Sinai Medical Center

Scenario F - Earlington Heights Metrorail Station to Mount Sinai Medical Center

Scenario G – NE 36 St & Biscayne Boulevard (Denny’s Restaurant) to Mount Sinai Medical Center


Scenario A is the Beach Express North/Julian Tuttle route as adopted in the SMART Plan and as endorsed by the City Commission. As such, it is the Administration’s preferred route for both the interim and long-term BERT service. Given the desire to implement the interim service in an expedited timeframe, the County is considering shorter (i.e. less costly) routes that require fewer buses. From City staff’s perspective, it is essential that the service connect to a transit hub on the mainland, thus, Scenario G is clearly not desirable. Furthermore, any scenario that terminates at Mount Sinai Medical Center would not serve the Fontainebleau Hotel or Convention Center area, thus requiring those workforce commuters to transfer. To this end, it has been mentioned that the City’s trolley service could potentially provide the last leg of that commute by connecting to the BERT at Mount Sinai and serving Fontainebleau and Convention Center; however, City staff conducted a ridership analysis and found that our trolleys do not have the capacity to perform this function. Moreover, the Middle Beach Trolley route would need to be modified to provide a direct connection from Mount Sinai Medical Center to Fontainebleau Hotel and Convention Center.


City staff will continue to work diligently with County and FDOT staff to advance the implementation of the Beach Express North/Julia Tuttle BERT service as well as interim demonstration service in order to provide a reliable mobility option for workforce commuters.  Quarterly updates will continue to be provided to the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee.  

Applicable Area

Is this a "Residents Right to Know" item, pursuant to City Code Section 2-14? Does this item utilize G.O. Bond Funds?
No No 

Strategic Connection

Mobility - Increase multi-modal mobility citywide and connectivity regionally.
Attachment A - DTPW BERT PresentationOther
Attachment B - Interim BERT Route Scenarios A-GOther