In the RM-2 Zoning District, hotels have limited permitted accessory uses. Pursuant to Section 142-902(1)b. of the City Code, the following are permitted accessory uses for hotels in the RM-2 district:
Hotels located in the RM-2 district are permitted to have any accessory use that is customarily associated with the operation of a hotel or apartment building, except for dance halls, entertainment establishments, neighborhood impact establishments, outdoor entertainment establishments or open air entertainment establishments, unless otherwise provided in the RM-2 district regulations set forth in article II, division 3, subdivision IV of this chapter.
Entertainment establishments and neighborhood impact establishments are generally not permitted in the RM-2 zoning districts. The exceptions to this include the Collins Park Overlay District which allows outdoor entertainment as a Conditional Use subject to specific additional regulations, and the Museum Historic Preservation District, which allow entertainment within a hall for hire use within existing religious institutions.
This proposed Ordinance would add an exception to the prohibition on entertainment for properties that front Washington Avenue or Pennsylvania Avenue between 6th and 7th Streets as follows:
(d) Washington Avenue. In addition to the conditional uses specified in subsection 142-213(a), the following regulations shall apply to properties that front Washington Avenue between 6th Street and 7th Street, including those properties between 6th and 7th Streets that may have frontage on Pennsylvania Avenue:
(1) Restaurants, cafes and/or eating & drinking establishments, which include entertainment, as an accessory use to a hotel. This may include establishments that qualify as a neighborhood impact establishment.
The RM-2 designation shown on the attached map outlines the subject area of this Ordinance.
The Angler’s hotel, which has proposed this Ordinance, is the only hotel within this portion of the RM-2 zoning district which could currently take advantage of the proposed expanded uses through the conditional use process. It is important to note that this RM-2 zoning district buffers the more intensive uses allowed in the adjacent CD-2 zoning district to the east and the much lower intensity RM-1 zoning district to the west. Further, the property immediately abutting the Angler’s hotel property to the north is a 3-story residential condominium.
While not opposed to expanding the list of conditional uses for this specific RM-2 zoning district, as it also abuts Washington Avenue, which is predominately zoned CD-2, staff would recommend the ordinance be further limited to only allow indoor entertainment, and only associated with a full restaurant as follows:
(d) Washington Avenue. In addition to the conditional uses specified in subsection 142-213(a), the following regulations shall apply to properties that front Washington Avenue between 6th Street and 7th Street, including those properties between 6th Street and 7th Street that have frontage on Pennsylvania Avenue:
(1) Restaurants, with full kitchens and serving full meals, cafes and/or eating & drinking establishments, which include entertainment, as an accessory use to a hotel. This may include establishments that qualify as a neighborhood impact establishment.
The ultimate operation, including hours, occupancy, nature of the entertainment, and location of the entertainment would be subject to the review of the Planning Board as part of the Conditional Use procedures.
On November 19, 2019, the Planning Board held a public hearing and transmitted the ordinance to the City Commission with a favorable recommendation by a vote of 7-0. The Planning Board also recommended any outdoor entertainment be limited to ambient levels. This recommendation has been incorporated into the draft ordinance.