Consolidated Interactive Map of City and FDOT Projects
Given the multitude of current and upcoming FDOT and city construction projects which will impact mobility, the City’s GIS team is developing a comprehensive interactive map which will have information on all city projects, including anticipated lane closures, as well as the lane/ramp closure information from the FDOT interactive map. This consolidated map will help staff identify any conflicting detours and schedules on projects in order to help reduce the cumulative impact to the community.
Below is a status update on each of the traffic mitigation strategies based on recent interagency discussions.
1. Accelerate the implementation of the Beach Express North Bus Express Rapid Transit (BERT) Demonstration Service or Route 150 (Airport Express) Modifications
As of December 5, 2018, FDOT has programmed funds for the design and construction of the inside shoulders modifications needed to operate the BERT service on the Julia Tuttle Causeway by 2022. However, recent correspondence from the FDOT State Secretary Kevin Thibault has stated a commencement date of 2023. Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW) has submitted the Project Justification Report to FDOT for review. At a July 23, 2019 meeting with FDOT State Secretary Thibault, District Six Secretary Jim Wolfe, and Miami Beach administration staff, Secretary Wolfe mentioned that FDOT will be coordinating a workshop with County staff, FDOT staff, and City staff to discuss ways of moving this particular BERT project forward.
As part of the Better Bus Project being led by the Transit Alliance in partnership with DTPW, Route 150 is being evaluated in terms of current performance and connectivity. Recommendations for final alignments are anticipated to be available for review in September 2019. City Transportation Department staff is actively engaged in the study process. The City has requested that the proposed alignment and other recommendations be presented to the administration and City Commission for review and discussion.
2. Enhance service of the County Bus Route "A"
Similar to Route 150 above, Route A is also being assessed as part of Transit Alliance’s Better Bus Project. The traffic mitigation strategies approved by the City Commission related to County bus routes have been shared with the project team to ensure that they are considered as part of the study recommendations expected in September 2019.
3. Explore waiving tolls on the Venetian Causeway
Waiving of the tolls on the Venetian Causeway has been previously approved to mitigate congestion as a result of construction on the MacArthur Causeway. Waiving tolls on the Venetian Causeway can assist in reducing traffic demand on the MacArthur Causeway or Julia Tuttle Causeway which will be affected by the Connecting Miami project. The Connecting Miami project team is working with Miami-Dade County to present an item to the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners to issue a blanket approval to County Administration to waive tolls on the Venetian Causeway, only when necessary, while the Connecting Miami project is in construction. FDOT has stated that it will be responsible for reimbursing Miami-Dade County for the loss in revenue while the tolls are waived, either in whole or in part.
4. Active Work Zone Traffic Monitoring and Management
The City's traffic monitoring and management contractor has continued to work closely with the FDOT SunGuide 511 Traffic Management Center to inform motorists in advance of any lane/ramp closures and detours using the City's and FDOT's digital message signs strategically located throughout the City and along the causeways, I-95, I-395/SR 836, and I-195/SR 112. Further, all information for weekend lane/ramp closures is being provided to the City ahead of time and is being disseminated by the City’s Communications Department via email blasts, social media, and traffic text alerts.
5. Explore waterborne transportation service connecting Downtown Miami and Miami Beach
Pursuant to a competitive solicitation recently issued by Miami-Dade County, Poseidon Ferry is pursuing an east/west passenger ferry route between Downtown Miami and South Beach and potentially additional routes along Biscayne Bay using double deck vessels with an air-conditioned lower deck. The service would cater to commuters (Monday – Friday peak period service) and the proposed fare structure is intended to be competitive with current public transit fares. The City of Miami Beach is working closely with Poseidon Ferry, the City of Miami, and Miami-Dade County to assist in securing docking locations that will be needed to operate the cross-bay ferry service, including potential enhancements to transit service connecting to docking facilities to facilitate the first/last mile of the trip. A docking location on the north end of the Miami Beach Marina (in proximity to 5th Street) is currently being evaluated. Poseidon Ferry and City staff will be conducting additional field evaluations in mid-August.
In addition to the above strategies, the City will also commence coordination with FDOT and South Florida Commuter Services to pursue the implementation of a vanpool program for commuters traveling to/from Miami Beach. The implementation of this service will reduce cross-causeway single occupancy vehicular trips.