Item Coversheet

Competitive Bid Reports - C2  B


TO:Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission 
FROM:Raul J. Aguila, Interim City Manager 
DATE:January  13, 2021



The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida approve the City Manager’s recommendation pertaining to bids received, pursuant to ITB 2021-028-AY, for the 59th Street bioswale project.


The purpose of this bid is to establish a contract, by means of sealed bids, to install three bioswales as depicted on the plans, and pedestrian path, on 59th Street connecting North Bay Road to the bay. 


The ITB was issued on October 23, 2020, with bid opening date of December 4, 2020. The Procurement Department issued bid notices to 31,533 companies utilizing website. 88 prospective bidders accessed the advertised solicitation. The notices resulted in the receipt of three responses from: Florida Engineering and Development Corp (“Florida Engineering”), Municipal Contractors, Inc (“Municipal Contractors”), and The Stout Group, LLC (“Stout Group”). A tabulation of the bids received is included as Attachment A.


The ITB stated that the lowest responsive, responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of the ITB will be recommended for award. In its due diligence, the Procurement and Public Works departments verified that the lowest responsive bid submitted by Municipal Contractors met the requirements of the ITB, including:


1.     Bid Bond: Bidder shall submit, with its bid, either an original bid bond, in a form acceptable to the City, executed by a surety company meeting the qualifications specified herein, in the amount of 5% of the bid amount, payable to City of Miami Beach, Florida. In the alternative, Bidder may submit a certified check or cashier's check issued by any national or state bank (United States).


Municipal Contractors submitted a bid bond for 5% of the bid amount, as required.


2.      Licensing Requirements: Bidder shall be licensed as a General Contractor by the

State of Florida or Miami Dade County to be considered for award.


Municipal Contractors is State certified as a General Contractor. State license number is:  CGC1528070 and expires on August 31, 2022.


Furthermore, City staff verified that Municipal Contractors complied with the submittal requirements of the ITB which include the previous experience of the firm, as detailed below. 


3. Previous Experience (Firm): Bidder and/or it’s principals must have two (2) roadway drainage projects (of similar scope) within the last five (5) years, one (1) of which must be successfully completed, the second which may be ongoing. In addition, the bidder and/or it’s principals or subcontractors must have at least one (1) landscaping projects that includes the installation of engineered soils for vegetation.


Municipal Contractors submitted proof of the requisite experience.  


4. Previous Experience of the project manager and/or superintendent (prime or subcontractor) – Roadway Drainage Construction and Landscaping construction. The project manager and/or superintendent must have two (2) roadway drainage projects (of similar scope) within the last five (5) years, one (1) of which must be successfully completed, the second which may be ongoing. In addition, the project manager and/or superintendent for the firm installing the engineered soil must have at least one (1) landscaping projects that includes the installation of engineered soils for vegetation. 


Municipal Contractors submitted proof of the requisite experience. 


The firm has not previously completed work for the City, but all references provided positive feedback. Accordingly, Municipal Contractors has been deemed the lowest responsive and responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions, and specifications of the ITB


According to the 2019 Community Satisfaction Survey conducted by ETC institute, a 46.5% satisfaction was given for “Condition of streets." In further evaluation, the location for this project (North Beach) has a 54.4% satisfaction level. In order to increase standards in this area, the city intends to install 3 bioswales as depicted on the plans, which includes the installation of the pedestrian path along the north side 59th Street connecting North Bay Road to the bay.


Project Cost (Lump Sum Grand Total):   $409,725.00


10% Owner's Contingency:                    $40,972.50


Total:                                                     $450,697.50


Amount(s)       $450,697.50


$4,000.00 - 429-0815-000511-29-416-517-00-00-00-28920 (OIG Funding)

$446,697.50 - 429-0815-061357-29-418-564-00-00-00-28920 (Design Capital Contracts)


The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, approve the award of a contract to Municipal Contractors, Inc., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder to the ITB 2021-028-AY, for 59th street bioswale; and further authorize the City Manager and City Clerk to execute a contract.


Applicable Area

North Beach
Is this a "Residents Right to Know" item, pursuant to City Code Section 2-14? Does this item utilize G.O. Bond Funds?
Yes No 

Strategic Connection

Prosperity - Revitalize targeted areas and increase investment.
Legislative Tracking
Public Works/Procurement

Attachment A