The following are the projected allocations for FY 20:
Community Development Block Grant Funds
FY 2020 HUD Entitlement $959,218.00
Less administrative allowance (20%) ($191,843.00)
Less Public Services allowance (15%) ($143,882.00)
Net FY 2020 funds $623,493.00
HOME Funds
FY 2020 HUD Entitlement $658,888.00
Less administrative allowance (25%) ($164,722.00)
Net available for project allocation $494,166.00
On January 27, 2020, the Administration issued two Request for Proposals (RFP) for CDBG and HOME funds, respectively. The submission deadline for both RFPs was February 26, 2020. To ensure clarification and proactively address questions relating to the completion and submission of the application, a mandatory pre-submission meeting was held on February 4, 2020 to review the RFP with prospective applicants.
The City received six applications from the following entities:
Ø Boys and Girls Clubs of Miami-Dade, Inc.
Ø Housing Authority of the City of Miami Beach
Ø RAIN Parents, Inc.
Ø Miami Beach Community Development Corporation
Of the six submissions, two projects are being recommended for full funding because all criteria of the RFP were met and the proposed activities are viable and needed. The Housing Authority applied for funds to enable the speculative acquisition of an unidentified affordable property but the proposed amount ($500,000) does not appear realistic given Miami Beach property values and that its proposed leverage was only $300,000. Miami Beach Community Development Corporation submitted two applications to the CDBG RFP but did not provide sufficient information regarding its financial capacity or the ongoing viability of proposed activities.
A maximum of 15 percent of the City’s allocation, or $143,882.00, may fund public service activities. Public service activities include meals programs, rent assistance, childcare programs, etc., for income-eligible participants. The City is recommending full funding of the eligible projects in addition to the City's grocery program as listed below.
Public Services Projects
Amount Recommended
City of Miami Beach Office of Community Services – Grocery Assistance Program
Boys and Girls Club of Miami-Dade – Aftercare and Summer Camp
Rain Parents – Childcare Services
Total Public Service Allocations
The City continues to have unfunded capital needs for its own affordable housing properties. The Neptune Apartments, a 35-unit affordable housing property located at 1632 Meridian Avenue was acquired by the City in January 2015. The Neptune Apartments was previously awarded $1,113,572. However, this amount is insufficient as the total estimated project cost is $2,186,240. The CDBG funds requested will significantly decrease the funding gap and allow the City to continue with the needed repairs.
FY 2020 CDBG Affordable Housing Project
Amount Recommended
Neptune Apartments Rehabilitation Phase II & Resiliency Improvements
In addition, the Administration will contract Housing Opportunities Project for Excellence, Inc. (HOPE, Inc.) for the provision of HUD-mandated fair housing services in the amount of $20,000. HOPE, Inc. would continue providing housing education workshops to residents and participate in outreach events citywide. Program administration funds will fund this mandated service. Although not currently funded by the City, HOPE, Inc. also investigates allegations of Fair Housing Act violations on behalf of residents who believe they are victims of discrimination.
The Administration is requesting HOME funds be allocated to homebuyer assistance. This use will further leverage funds to increase the number of affordable owner-occupied housing units in the City. The balance of funds will be allocated to tenant-based rental assistance to help ameliorate financial hardship experienced by low-income residents because of a reduction or loss of income as a result of COVID-19:
FY 2020 HOME Affordable Housing Projects
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance
Homebuyer Assistance & Homeowner Rehabilitation
Provisions in 24 CFR 92.207 and section 212(c) of the National Affordable Housing Act (NAHA), limit the amount of HOME funds that a jurisdiction may use for administrative and planning costs to 10 percent. These provisions have been suspended to enable jurisdictions to expend up to 25 percent of its FY 2019 and FY 2020 allocations for administrative and planning costs. The Administration will send a letter to HUD to request implementation of this waiver for FY 2020 to cover the increased cost of administering HOME-related activities to address the effects of COVID-19.
The HOME Program rules require each entitlement community reserve a minimum of 15% of its annual allocation for activities undertaken by qualified Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO). A CHDO is a private nonprofit, community-based service organization that has identified the development of affordable housing as its primary mission and has the capacity to develop affordable housing. A CHDO must meet certain requirements pertaining to its legal status, organizational structure, capacity and experience. At this time, there is no such agency with this designation within the City. The City released a Request for Letters of Intent (RFLI) for CHDO services on June 21, 2018. No responses were received. However, on March 7, 2019, HUD sent notice that the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2019 includes a provision suspending the 24-month commitment requirement for the CHDO set-aside funds through December 31, 2021.
Analysis of Impediments
HUD requires that all entitlement jurisdictions receiving federal funds submit an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) that identifies barriers to fair housing choice within the jurisdiction and the strategies employed by the jurisdiction to overcome these barriers.
In conjunction with Housing Opportunities Project for Excellence, Inc., the Office of Housing and Community Services drafted the attached AI identifying barriers to housing choice in our City and the various strategies that will be utilized to address the impediment identified. The AI will be referenced and adhered to by all housing services funded by the City utilizing federal funds.
Citizen Participation Plan
In accordance with the Citizen Participation Plan:
- The City advertised a Notice of Public hearing and Public 30-day Comment Period (March 2, 2020 – April 2, 2020) for community development needs and the Analysis of Impediments (AI). The public meeting was held on March 17, 2020.
- The City advertised a Notice of Public hearing and 30-day Public Comment Period (May 4, 2020 – June 3, 2020) for the draft Action Plan. The public hearing will be held telephonically during the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) meeting on May 19, 2020. Public comments received will be included in the submission of the action Plan to HUD for final review and approval.