In 2016 the City’s Public Works Department completed the first step in the preparation of a Citywide Street Lighting Master Plan by conducting a city-wide photometric analysis, an effort to assess the state of the City’s current lighting system.
Upon the completion of said analysis, the Department found that large areas of the City were either over lit or under lit and that approximately 18.2% of the City’s roadways fall within the assumed acceptable range for illuminance and uniformity when compared to standards. In addition, the study recommended the City should work with the industry to develop a Lighting Master Plan that would define the City’s lighting goals, improve uniformity, and upgrade existing lighting to LED and to improve operations and maintenance with the implementation of a Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS).
In an effort to address the findings, follow recommendations, and to continue the Department’s efforts for the preparation and implementation of a Citywide Street Lighting Master Plan, the City Commission approved the issuance of Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 2017-119-KB for Smart City Street Lighting System - Design, Build, Operate, and Maintain, at its June 7, 2017, City Commission meeting.
At its October 31, 2017 meeting, the City Commission approved Resolution 2017-30077, accepting the recommendation of the City Manager, pursuant to the RFQ 2017-119-KB and authorized the Administration to enter into negotiations with Johnson Controls, Inc., as the top ranked proposer.
Johnson Controls, Inc. had originally proposed an estimated $3,600,000 for Phase I Design. Since the City did not have a dedicated funding source for the proposed cost at the time, and since the RFQ award was approved prior to the appointment of current City Commissioners, the City Commission recommended that the contract be referred back to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee (FCWPC) in order to provide more information on the "Smart City" concept.
At the direction of the FCWPC, the Smart City project was placed on the April 5, 2018 General Obligation Bond (G.O.) Workshop committee agenda, in order to be further evaluated for budget and funding purposes.
During the April 20, 2018 FCWPC meeting, the Committee made a motion to proceed with reviewing the scope of services of the proposed agreement with Johnson Controls, and the possibility of splitting the scope of services.
During the June 29, 2018 FCWPC meeting, the Committee discussed the Johnson Controls, Inc. agreement in further detail and recommended dividing the scope of services into two (2) phases: Phase 1A: A Master Plan Concept Design Phase, and Phase 1B: Design Development Phase.
At its November 14, 2018 meeting, the City Commission approved Resolution 2018-30612, approving and authorizing the execution of Phase 1A with Johnson Controls, Inc, pursuant to RFQ No. 2017-119-KB, relating to developing a Citywide Lighting Master Plan Concept Design, for a not to exceed amount of $1,863,895.
It was further directed that upon completion of Phase 1A, and should the City elect to move forward with Phase 1B, the Public Works Department was requested to come back to the full City Commission for approval of the master plan concept design and to get authority to move forward with Phase 1B. Phase 1B has an estimated cost of $1,174,452 and funded from Capital Improvement Project Numbers 27800 – Street Lighting Improvements and 64918. Phase 1B encompasses the tasks below:
1. Development criteria for the lighting system Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) for urban lighting assets
2. Preliminary Upgrade Plan and Construction Plans for Architectural and Street Lighting Design Upgrades
3. Smart City Roadmap
4. Connectivity Scope
5. Financial Scope
6. Records, Data, and Assistance
7. Preparation of Implementation Contract
Additional funding in the amount of $10,000,000 was approved for the implementation of Phase 1A and 1B as part of the approved G.O. Bond, on the November 6, 2018 ballot.
Phase 1A is now complete and the reports are attached. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Public Works Department will not be seeking to continue with Phase 1B at this time, in order to comply with the Administration's directive to reduce spending until such time it is appropriate to move forward with Phase 1B.